
Tabs for Publisher

8.50 download

Tabbed viewing, editing, and managing multiple publication files in single Window of Microsoft Publisher: Tabs for Publisher (is also named Publisher Tab). Once the software is installed, you can find a ...


4.3 download

SnapAShot is the easiest and quickest way to capture screen! You don't need to install it, just download portable archive and use Snapa anywhere SnapAShot is only 106 Kb (only one ...


1.0.1 download

ThgLog stores your activities. Each application, which is started, will be recorded. Each window, which will be open, will be saved in a file. You can see in a cleary arranged ...

Warm Seas HD Screensaver

1.0.1 download

Just distract from the work for a few minutes, sit back and enjoy the wonderful world of tropical seascapes created on your computer or laptop screen. Download this screen saver and ...

@MAX Tray Player

2.6b download

The standard media player that ships with Windows does a good job. It's free and it supports a range of media formats. However, as with virtually any free software, it has ...


3.5.18 download

X-notifier is a browser extension that helps you stay connected with multiple mail accounts at the same time. You do not need to open a tab for each mail account and ...


3.11.9 download

WinQuickLook, developed by Tatsuro Shibamura, is a streamlined utility designed to enhance the Windows user experience by providing a quick and efficient way to preview files. Inspired by the macOS Quick ...


17.60.1 download

Sending never again unencrypted emails. With abylon CRYPTMAIL offer abylonsoft an user interface and an Outlook AddIn for email encrypting (incl. Attachments). Only the owner of the private key (HYBRID-System) or ...

Change Default Email To Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Windows Live Hotmail or AOL Mail Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to set their default e-mail to one of the popular webmail services. There are options for Gmail, Yahoo mail, Windows Live Hotmail ...

Change Default Email Client To MS Outlook or Outlook Express Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to set the default e-mail client to Outlook or Outlook Express. With this software every time the user clicks on an e-mail ...

Privacy Hide

3.0 download

Privacy Hide is a utility that allows the user to quickly hide specific applications from the computer screen with a single keystroke. This way, the user can keep his privacy and ...


2020.08.24 download

In my free time I develop software called Proxy32 (32-bit executable written in C++) that helps me to organize and perform rather generic and routine computer tasks at work and at ...

Hotkey Search Tool

1.4 download

Suppose you are reading mail and come across a phrase you want to research on the Internet. Usually, you have to start a browser and type the phrase you need, which ...


1.11 download

Comica is a comic downloader and viewer that utilises a custom-built framework for the parsing and downloading of comics from websites. The framework uses an open XML format that allows anyone ...


3.1.1 download

3DimViewer is a lightweight 3D viewer of medical DICOM datasets distributed as open source software. Its license allows you to use it for free. The viewer is multiplatform software written in ...

Free eMagMaker PDF Reader

1.0 download

EMagMaker PDF Reader is the newest freeware we provide this week. PDF document is commonly used in office. But to open it with normal adobe application might not able to meet ...

Manico for Mac OS X

2.7.3 download

Manico is a simple and easy-to-use application launcher for macOS which enables you to use a special key plus a number key to open any application installed on your Mac’s system. ...


2.40 download

Windows state manager: MaxMonkey is a windows maximizer, minimizer, restorer and closer. With one easy left-click, double-click or middle-mouse-button click from the system tray, MaxMonkey can automatically maximize, minimize, restore or ...

Tabs for Project

8.50 download

Tabs for Project (original name is Project Tab) : A super practical tool for viewing, editing and managing a project in a tabbed window in Microsoft Project. Once the software is ...

Programmer's Tool

1.3.2 download

Programmer's Tool is a utility to run common tasks using global hotkeys. It stays in the notification area (commonly referred to as the system tray) of Windows desktop. For example, when ...

RADvolution Designer - Professional

2005v2 download

Rapidly build applications without coding and with a high level of maintainability. Layout engine. Ever dreamed of a correct layout at once? Just by dropping controls? Without any layout panels? Just ...

PaperPlane Smart Launch

1.0 download

PaperPlane Smart Launch is a free launcher program aka. shortcut manager which enables you to launch your desktop like an iPad. If you are familiar with Mac OS Launchpad, you could ...

SWF & FLV Player for Mac

7.2 download

SWF & FLV Player is a free and smart Flash movie player. It is the only stand-alone application for Mac OS that is able to playback SWF and FLV files with ...

A.S.C : Protect your privacy

5.5 download

Winwash A.S.C V5 : Protect your privacy and keep your system clean with Action Surf Cool A.S.C V5 is a fast, easy-to-use, highly configurable privacy tool and system optimization. It removes ...


8.23 download

ZMover helps you manage your desktop layout by enabling you to set the size, position, layering and state of other application windows. Instead of wasting time rearranging windows across your single ...