system;utility downloads

Logo Designer Program download

Logo Designer Program provides print preview facility of generated business icon for users before it will be exhibited. Business badges developing application enable users to either create new business logo or ...

Data Recovery USB Drives download

Do you have any thought how to revive permanently delete official files from pen drive? If no, then check Company URL and download Data Recovery USB Drives software is able ...

Portable CPU-Z

2.13 download

Portable CPU-Z by CPUID is a streamlined, no-installation-required version of the popular CPU-Z utility, designed to provide comprehensive hardware information in a convenient, portable format. This powerful tool is perfect for ...


0.4 download

Have you ever needed to find a file buried deeply somewhere in your computer? Indexer++ is an open-source desktop files and folders search utility. It is a Windows search replacement which ...

USB Manager

2.07 download

Small Windows utility that can quickly enable and disable USB ports. It has interface and runs from the system tray. You can control the devices from the right-click context menu or ...

IOGenie Windows Key Finder

1.0 download

A product key, AKA installation key, activation key and serial key, is basically consists of a unique code with numbers and letters which is a requirements by several programs during installation. ...


1.01 download

Each time that you start using a new application, Windows operating system automatically extract the application name from the version resource of the exe file, and stores it for using it ...


1.37 download

Each time that you run an application in your system, a Prefetch file which contains information about the files loaded by the application is created by Windows operating system. The information ...

Tweak 7

1.0 download

Microsoft has again increased both the power and complexity of its popular Windows operating system with the release of Windows Vista. Stardock's Tweak7 enhancement application helps you configure Windows 7 to ...


1.40 download

NetRouteView is a GUI alternative to the standard route utility (Route.exe) of Windows operating system. It displays the list of all routes on your current network, including the destination, mask, gateway, ...


2025 download

Small utility very convenient quick access to web pages through the web browser. The browser used by the application is the default browser set at the operating system level. The user ...

Start Menu Launcher by

1.0 download

Free Windows Utility to Launch Start Menu from Desktop Shortcut, Command Line or even from Batch Files. This Free Windows Utility works fine on Windows 8, Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows ...

Dell OS Recovery Tool download

The Dell OS Recovery Tool, developed by Dell, is an essential utility designed to streamline the process of restoring your Dell computer's operating system to its original factory state. This tool ...

Glary Utilities

6.10 download

Glary Utilities is a free and powerful all-in-one tool for cleaning, speeding up, maintaining and protecting your computer. It optimizes your system with just one click and includes more than 20 ...


1.10 download

WinFontsView is a small utility that enumerates all fonts installed on your system, and displays them in one simple table. For each font, WinFontsView draws 5 samples of the font in ...

OpenDSS download

**OpenDSS: A Comprehensive Power System Simulation Tool** OpenDSS, developed by Tom McDermott, stands as a robust and versatile open-source software designed for electric power distribution system simulation. This dynamic tool ...


1.1.44 download

For most people, BiGZiP is a FREE Java based compression utility. It does what other programs do but in a Java Environment, so no matter what your OS is, as long ...

abcAVI Tag Editor download

abcAVI Tag Editor is little stand alone utility for viewing/editing tags in AVI files. In short it allows you to get information on movie from Internet Movie Database or type it ...

Capturix NETWorks

8.04.184 download

Capturix NETWorks is a network utility software that ables you to test and diagnose all common problems from any network. It brings a group of very useful tools like: System Information ...


3.1.14 download

CDCheck is utility for prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files with emphasis on error detection. It can check each your CD/DVD (or any other media) and indicate which files are ...


1.0 download

PlunkIt! is the cross-platform private file-transfer utility for your office. Instantly send files or folders to any user on your network. PlunkIt! uses peer-to-peer technology and does not rely on Internet ...


4.4 download

Shutter is a powerful and flexible multipurpose task-launcher. Shutter is a multifunctional shutdown utility, which has a user friendly and easy-to-use interface and supports many different Events and Actions. ...


1.91 download

OpenedFilesView displays the list of all opened files on your system. For each opened file, additional information is displayed: handle value, read/write/delete access, file postion, the process that opened the file, ...

Fast File Search

1.00 download

Free Fast File Search Utility for Windows. Works with Windows XP onwards. This freeware utility lets you to search your files superfast and quick. Is of great use when searching something ...

Removable Access Tool

1.4 download

Removable Access tool /ratool/ is a very simple-to-use portable freeware Application it helps an individual or a system administrator control USB storage devices. You can protect your confidential data from being ...