freeware game downloads
3D Snooker Online Games
1.1 downloadPopGameBox is a free multiplayer online billiards game with lively 3D graphics and a friendly community. This program includes 3D Pool (8 Ball, 9 Ball and 15 Ball) and 3D ...
3D Billiards Online Games
2.1 downloadPopGameBox is a free multiplayer online billiards game with lively 3D graphics and a friendly worldwide community. This program includes 8 Ball, 9 Ball, 15 Ball and Snooker, which the ...
1.07 downloadThis game is a variant of the well-known game LINES. Elements on the game field must be arranged in such way, that ... the right button of the mouse. The game has two modes: "Classic Mode" (new elements appear ...
Little Fighter
2.0a downloadLittle Fighter 2 (LF2) is a popular freeware fighting game for Windows. LF2 was created by Marti Wong ... been substantial thanks to its simple yet addictive gameplay, its great replay ability and free at the ...
Mau Mau
3.33 downloadMau Mau is a classic card game on your mobile phone screen for two to four players. The game is played against three AI opponents, so that ... total of four players can participate in the game. The player may choose in the menu a ...
Armagetron Advanced downloadArmagetron is a multiplayer game in 3d that attempts to emulate and expand ... the movie Tron. It's an old school arcade game slung into the 21st century. Highlights include a ... For the more advanced player there are new game modes and a wide variety of physics settings ...
In-Poculis Mahjong
5.89 downloadThe ultimate Mahjong game with 120 levels and six fun themes: Christmas, Halloween, Asian, Easter, Wonderland and Future. This game is definitely designed for the Mahjong lovers, and for ...
5.0 downloadSudoku, a fascinating game but also a software for you : SUDOKU1 @NKH 2013. Grid generation, game, solution proposal, search of all solutions, score. Grids ... PC and stretch neurons. Sudoku1 is a Sudoku freeware for Windows PC. It includes: - Grids of ...
1.5 downloadWapfrog Minesweeper (touch) is a skill board game. Get the highest score you can by revealing ... all the other players of this great addictve game! Submit your highscore to the game online hall ...
KidsMath downloadIntroduction: Is a game that teach math table 0 to 12 for ... What better way to learn that playing a game. Feature in KidsMath: Every level consists of 20 ... each level the difficulty increase by reducing the game play by 5 seconds. KidsMath as a top ...
ChatterCaster 2012
1.0 download... and writers who follow and talk about the game of ShatterCaster. ChatterCaster quickly produces standardized Alchameth Diagrams of the game from SCN or Simple Courlander Notation. ChatterCaster is ...
1.10.15 downloadPanda3D is a versatile and robust open-source game engine developed by Carnegie Mellon University, designed to ... developers in the realm of 3D rendering and game development. With its roots in academia, Panda3D offers ...
Tanks III Field of fight
1.0 download... can be operated keys determined in adjustments of game. A tower operate by the mouse. The tower turns in a direction of the cursor. It is possible to shoot by ...
Cbxsoft Free PDF to Flash
1.0 download... yourself movie, singing, reading, shopping or playing flash games? Then as we know that we always spend ... case, most people may prefer to play flash game on mobile which are prepared in advance. Here ...
Golden Axe 2
download... original Golden Axe and is a side-scrolling fighting game released for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. The game was published in the second Christmas day of ... actually the same players as in the first game, Ax Battler, Tyris Flare and Gilius Thunderhead. Their ...
Archer vs Monster Bats
2.1 download... arrows? If not, play Archer vs Monster Bats game to shoot the dangerous monster bats. To begin the thrilling game, load your bow and shoot the evil monsters accurately. When you play the game, archery skills will develop that will help you ...
Tams11 Ur downloadOnline version of the ancient game called the Royal game of UR, also know as Game of Twenty Squares. Each players receives 7 chips. The object of the game is to move all 7 of yours chips ...
Contra Force
download... Force is a run and gun style video game, released by Konami in 1992 in North America. Unfortunately, the game released for Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was only available in North America. The game was a spin-off of the Contra series, and ...
download... Gryzor in Europe and Oceania) is a video game produced and published in 1987 by Konami, well known today for developing soccer simulators. The game is a shooter of the 90s and was ...
PlayBasic Learning Edition
1.64l downloadPlayBASIC is a game programming language based upon the Easy-To-Use B.A.S.I.C language. It was developed by game programmers for game enthusiasts, and incorporates more than 25 years experience ... set. So everybody can experience the fun of game programming again ! Since PlayBASIC focuses on game ...
Contra - Hard Corps
downloadContra: Hard Cops is a video game produced and released in Japan in 1994, and ... and made available for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. The game is part of the Contra series, serving as ...
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
downloadGhouls ‘n Ghosts is a platform video game developed by Capcom in 1988. The game was released for the first time as a platform arcade game and was ported to many other platforms over ...
Golden Axe
download... Axe is a side-scrolling beat ‘em up video game released back in 1989 by Sega. The game was published for the System-16-B arcade and is the first game of the series. Golden Axe was later followed ...
Contra III: The Alien Wars
download... The Alien Wars is a run and gun game and is the third in the series, bringing ... of improvements along with it. Story-wise, the game is set in the very distant future, in ...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist
downloadThe Turtles first-ever game for the Genesis is one rollicking adventure. When ... all know them, we all love them. This game is just plain great. You get four turtles, ... even surfing in the ocean is where this game will take you. Each characters has the same ...