magazine-like downloads
Brochure Flipbook Maker
1.0 download... traditional way is to make lots of paper magazine, high-cost advertisement and others. All those ways need ... helps to solve this problem. However, slideshow not like a real book that we can flip the ...
Free flipbook wordpress plugin maker
5.0.1 download... you are a digital publication publisher, would you like to release cross-platform video content magazine to build and increase your brand awareness anywhere ... place to learn more about releasing a digital magazine cross platform and with You Tube video. As ...
PDF to Flash for Mac
1.0 download... a brilliant conversion tool designed for converting PDF magazine into page flip book on Mac. And then ... flip effect. Flipping the flash book page seems like to read real paper book. Once you publish ...
PDF to Flipbook Converter for Mac
1.0 downloadFlip book combines both Flash animation and Print magazine advantages. In others words, you can play the book like view on an animation and flip the book ... book and never boring to download PDF files. Like such a PR approach have accepted by the ...
Calibre Portable
7.25.0 download... download all the metadata for an e-book (things like title, author, publisher, ISBN, tags, cover or summary) ... which books you’ve read and which ones you liked. You can also take advantage of the advanced ...
Flash Flip Book Software for Mac
3.6 download... tutorials, photo album. Once you publish your page-flipping magazines on web, with network sources like blog, Facebook and Twitter, etc., marketers can expend ... matter. Attractive appearance for flipbook A well-designed sample magazine will hook up the reading desire of your ...
Free HTML5 Flipbook Maker for Mac
2.9 download... Edit Page can insert multimedia contents into flip magazine; Animation Editor are able to add animated objects ... to the webpage easily. Anyway, if you would like to embed the books you uploaded before, then ...
Free Flash Flipping Book Creator
5.0.5 download... have chosen to go digital. They converted their magazine/brochure/catalog to animated PDF format ebook. Embed the book ... young people and kids, all of them would like to read by their mobile device, since for ...
Publisher Barcode Software
8.1.2 download... Library. This 13- digit Code consists the information like Book's Publisher, Edition etc. International Standard Serial Number ... is used to find the Series of Book, Magazine, Newspapers, etc. HOW BARCODES ARE USEFUL FOR PUBLISHERS: ...
Publishing Industry 2d Barcodes download... barcode tool used to manage huge collection of magazine, books CD and DVD and it allow to user accessing stock details like date of issue book, return, price, subject, editions ... Stickers by using advanced barcode designing object tool like Arc, line, pencil, rectangle, Squire, images etc. Barcode ...
PDF to Flip Book Creator for HTML5
1.0 download... many beautiful images, publication in PDF format, or magazine used to advertising, would you like to bring animated effect for PDF and share ... online; . Put your online books in BookCase like visual library; . Safety flash book with the ...
TodayFlip Free DOC to Flash
1.0 download... is not normal or disordered, people will feel like that it is not a normal website. So, ... : [url= homepage TODAYFLIP [/url]. Maybe some people like to rotate the PDF magazine with 360 degree, ...
PDF to Flash Page Flip for Mac
1.0.0 download... ebook turn from one page to next page like realist paper books, and bring new life to ... you will find the converted online book seems like the realist paper book. As the professional Mac ...
eFlip Standard for iPad
3.9.0 download... books which enables you to flick it just like a real magazine whose contains text, web links, image and so ... your own style flipbook theme if you don't like the built-in themes. You can just replace the ...
7.0.0 download... spend fishing, scouting, or hunting as you would like, FishByte, the solunar forecast software is for you: ... tables, fishing or deer hunting charts in sports magazines are similar, but FishByte gives you the best ...
3D Ebook Cover
3.0 download... CD box, DVD box, Blu-ray box, DVD/CD, hardcover, magazine, membership card, paperback, spiral memo book, spiral notebook, ... more realistic. 3D Ebook Cover makes you look like a pro. Generate images of outstanding quality and ...
Generate Barcode download... standard product stickers, ID cards, visiting cards and magazine coupons etc just in few countable steps. Professionally ... Generate Barcode software provides inbuilt series generating features like random value series, constant value series and sequential ...
Line Reader
2.0 download... overwhelmed by pages and pages of online text, like what you find in research papers, news magazine articles, and technical documentation? As you scroll through ...
1.4 download... them as if they are on a famous magazine cover, with their favourite celebrity or in exotic ... the new digital background of your choice. Just like that. * Wrinkles are not a problem: A ...
3.0 download... them as if they are on a famous magazine cover, with their favourite celebrity or in exotic ... the new digital background of your choice. Just like that. * Wrinkles are not a problem: A ...
Barcode for Libraries download... stickers including absolute information regarding library books and magazine objects like author name, publishing brand, number of pages, cost ... libraries software facilitates librarians to easily manage books magazines and other objects of library or information centers ...
3.0 download... them as if they are on a famous magazine cover, with their favourite celebrity or in exotic ... the new digital background of your choice. Just like that. * Wrinkles are not a problem: A ...
Custom Labels download... training to design impressive ID cards and labels like packaging labels, parcel tags, asset tags, magazine stickers etc with advanced option to specify the ...
Flip Office Pro
3.0 downloadFlip Office Pro is a digital publishing software that allows you to create realistic flash page-flipping e-Publications with embed video, link, audio, flash form PDF and Microsoft Office. All links and ...
Flip PostScript
3.0 download... PostScript flies (*.eps;*.ps) to 3D flipping books, digital magazines, brochures and interactive catalogs for both online and ... optimized 3D effect to present a physical paper magazine, this software simulates 3D animated page flip and ...