comparer downloads

dbForge Data Compare for Oracle

5.5.100 download

dbForge Data Compare for Oracle is a powerful, fast, and easy tool for comparing and synchronizing Oracle databases. It helps you quickly compare data in tables, find the differences at a ...

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle

5.5.100 download

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle is a reliable easy-to-use tool to compare and synchronize data of Oracle schemas. You can quickly analyze data differences in a well-designed user interface ...

Diffuse for Linux

0.4.8 download

Diffuse is small and easy to use graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side and gives users the ability ...


2.0.0 Build1926 download

SizeMe scans a selected directory for the size of each item. Then it compares that to the given media size, and gives you a list over how many items you need. ...

Portable ExamDiff download

ExamDiff is a freeware Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/2008 tool for visual file comparison. It is quick and very simple to use, and has a number of convenient features that many users have been ...

BinCoMerge download

BinCoMerge (in GNU General Public License Version 3) is a tool to compare and merge binary files in a hexadecimal point of view. Unlike text comparison engines, BinCoMerge does not ...


6.0.1 download

AccuRev is a software configuration management tool which addresses complex parallel and distributed development environments with its stream-based architecture, to accelerate your development process and improve asset reuse. Streams provide ...

FileCompare download

FileCompare is a useful application that can compare two folders of files in binary (recursive) to see if they are identical. The program provides users with a simple interface, which ...

Spreadsheet Compare

1.39.0 download

Spreadsheet Compare (Excel compare) is a Microsoft Excel Add-In, written in VBA, that performs a cell-by-cell comparison of Worksheets within the same or different Workbooks. Requires Excel 2000 or later. ...

DiffVue download

DiffVue is a handy application that was designed in order to help you easily compare and view the differences between files and directories. It contains 3 main applications: DiffVue, DiffEditor and ...

MS Access Compare Two Tables & Find Differences Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to find content differences between two tables in MS Access. This software will highlight textual changes from one table to the other. ...

Compare Two HTML Files or Web Sites Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to find content differences between two HTML files. Tag differences will be overlooked. Specify two local or web-based HTML files and click ...

Compare & Find Differences Between Two Text Files Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to find differences between two text files. When comparing, the software can look at entire lines or individual words that are separated ...

MySQL Compare Two Tables Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to compare two tables in a MySQL database. The user simply loads the required database and selects table 1 and 2 in ...

EF Duplicate MP3 Finder

24.02 download

The EF Duplicate MP3 Finder is a useful program that help you to find out and remove duplicate audio files with same or similar properties, files that occupy so unnecessarily storage ...


2.1.3 download

DiffPDF can compare two PDF files. It offers two comparison modes: Text and Appearance. DiffPDF is used to compare two PDF files—textually or visually, is developed by Mark Summerfield, he said ...

Opcion Font Viewer Portable

1.1.1 download

For viewing fonts, seeing how they would appear applied to your name/logo/tagline, and keeping track of which fonts best suit the job is the purpose of Opcion Font Viewer. Opcion allows ...

Opcion Font Viewer

1.1.1 download

For viewing fonts, seeing how they would appear applied to your name/logo/tagline, and keeping track of which fonts best suit the job is the purpose of Opcion Font Viewer. Opcion allows ...

Portable RegShot

1.9.0 download

Regshot can snapshot the registry and an entire drive or portion of a drive before and after a given event and then compare the two snapshots to determine what has changed. ...


1.1.3 download

BinDiff is a very small but effective application that can be deployed via command-line to have it compare different versions of a binary file. As soon as the operation is ...

BinDiff for Mac

1.1.3 download

BinDiff is a very small but effective application that can be deployed via command-line to have it compare different versions of a binary file. As soon as the operation is ...

CSV Compare Two Files and Find Differences Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to find text differences in two CSV files. The user loads the two CSVs and chooses to compare by line or by ...

View Two Images Side By Side Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to compare two image files side by side in full screen. There is a feature to synchronize the scrollbars so that you ...


6.1.0 download

Use DiffPDF to compare PDF files quickly and easily: Click or drag one PDF; click or drag another PDF; click Compare. DiffPDF is a commercial Windows graphical user interface ...

Bucket Explorer for Amazon S3

2013.10.01.01 download

Bucket Explorer is a User Interface to manage data on Amazon Simple Storage Service, CloudFront, Import Export and Simple Notification Service. Bucket Explorer is one of the best available developer tools ...