historical prices downloads
Stock Volatility Calculator
1 downloadThis is a free spreadsheet that downloads free historical stock data from the Yahoo database into the spreadsheet and calculates the historical or realized volatility of the selected stock. The standard deviation of prices are plotted along side the stock price chart. ...
5.0964 downloadDownload, analyse and graph free share prices and ASX announcements from the internet. Allows multiple watch lists, historical share prices, portfolio tracking and for CommSec clients real time monitoring of share prices. Includes views for Watch List, watch list Market ...
Stock Quotes Pro
1.55.4 downloadA historical quotes downloader for stock quotes and indices. Stock ... software utility that allows you instantly download end-of-day historical quotes of stocks, indices and mutual funds publicly ... output in a customizable ASCII format which makes historical stock quotes data compatible with most spreadsheet, charting ...
CNET Shopping for Firefox
14.15 download... CNET Shopping is its ability to instantly compare prices across multiple retailers. As you browse a product, ... websites, presenting you with a list of alternative prices. This ensures you never overpay for a product ...
Keepa for Chrome
5.43 download... Keepa for Chrome provides comprehensive price tracking and historical data for millions of products on Amazon. With ... years. This feature allows you to see how prices have fluctuated over time, helping you determine the ...
Cheapest Oil Home Heat Utility
1.00 download... how much your boiler might be wasting Produce historical graphs for home heating oil prices. - Set date ranges and various parameters to ...
TraderCode Technical Indicators
5.0 download... can easily perform end-of-day analysis or back-testing of historical stock data. Technical Analysis Add-In and Formulas The ... the technical indicators and running the strategies through historical data. The performance of the strategies can then ...
4.17 download... financial analysts, AmiQuote simplifies the process of downloading historical and real-time market data from a variety of ... a wide range of financial data, including stock prices, indices, and forex rates, all within a single ...
2.0.40 download... assets, liabilities, daily networth tracking · View stock prices/quotes. Graphs tracking historical prices · Address book. Store contacts, email, phone numbers ...
Stock Share Price Analysis
1 download... uses current Google Finance data for current share prices and actual earnings per share. From this data actual fair value share prices and current price discounts are calculated. This provides ... also applied to identify future fair value share prices and current price discounts. This provides a basis ...
Stock Predictor
1.1.361 download... week and year to date high and low prices, institutional ownership percentage, dividend rate and yield and other financial information. Multiple historical data feeds from three different stock quotes data
Stock Predictor
1.1.361 download... week and year to date high and low prices, institutional ownership percentage, dividend rate and yield and other financial information. Multiple historical data feeds from three different stock quotes data
4.4.4 download... the information screening web providing radar loops, comodity prices, web cams and such. Actually, GetRealtime comes ... database or other ODBC database for editing and historical reference or for futher computations. ...
Stock Investment Guide for Mac OS X
3.0.9 download... stock library allows you to batch update stock prices or stock data (if you use the subscription ... Guide provides users with easy-to-use tools to use historical stock data to analyze historical growth trends, project ...
Stock Investment Guide for Windows
3.0.9 download... stock library allows you to batch update stock prices or stock data (if you use the subscription ... Guide provides users with easy-to-use tools to use historical stock data to analyze historical growth trends, project ...
VOVSOFT - Cryptocurrency Tracker
2.3 download... Cryptocurrency Tracker revolves around real-time tracking of cryptocurrency prices. The software supports a wide array of digital ... to real-time tracking, VOVSOFT - Cryptocurrency Tracker offers historical data analysis. Users can view historical price charts ...
Fixed Asset Pro
3.5 B486 download... asset from its acquisition, depreciation, asset service requirement, historical service records, asset custodian, and warranty claims. ... MAIN FEATURES: Complete recording of purchase prices and dates, service dates, warranty dates, asset classes, ...
FinOptions XL
3.0.2 download... or calculate implied volatility values based on the prices of exchange traded options. With over 60 optimized ... and bond option pricing and analytics along with historical volatility evaluation and curve fitting functions are included ...