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Geodata Germany

29.05 download

... The geo reference can be used e.g. to direct a customer to the closest store locations of a retail store chain by doing a proximity search. Another possibility it to ...

LingvoSoft Basic Dictionary English <-> Hungarian for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

LingvoSoft Gold Dictionary English <-> Hungarian for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

LingvoSoft Standard Dictionary English <-> Turkish for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...


03.00 download

... need to give a receipt to your customer direct from your Pocket PC. The ideal solution is to use an IrDA enabled printer with the IrDA port on your device. ...

LingvoSoft Gold Dictionary English <-> Vietnamese for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

Altova MapForce Enterprise Edition

v2025 download

... step by step from sources to target nodes. Direct file read and write gives MapForce a performance boost by streaming arbitrarily large XML, JSON, CSV, and FLF input and output ...

Star EZ Inventory

2.86 download

... Transaction Report/Preview. * Use either Margin percentages or direct price calculations. * Add Vendor and Types on the fly. * Don't use complicated programs when all you want to do ...


2.8 download

... into database. The common one is by typing direct into its internal document editor. The editor is ... checker and much more. Web Pages can be directly captured and stored from Internet. It also has ...

LingvoSoft Standard Dictionary English <-> Hungarian for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

VideoLab VCL

8.0 download

... video and DVD using VFW, Windows Media Encoder, DirectShow, and FFMpeg - Video Out - Send video ... BlackMagic DeckLink - Recording - in AVI, VFW, DirectShow, Windows Media Encoder, and FFMpeg - Broadcasting - ...


2.12 download

Tempo is an electronic reminder which functions under Windows (32 bits) and displays notes at will. Like Post-It Notes block but with time management. Once installed, it starts automatically with Windows ...

LingvoSoft Basic Dictionary English <-> Turkish for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

Virtual Modem

2.2.2 download

Overview Virtual Modem is a software solution that replaces a pair of hardware modems with virtual modems. It allows two modem communications applications to interact over a local network or the ...

CloneDVD2 download

... to trim individual chapters. Quality bars show the direct influence of the title and language selection on the quality of the movie copy. Even beginners always keep track. Convince yourself ...

PlotLab VCL

8.0 download

Delphi/C++ Builder VCL and FireMonkey (FMX) components library for very easy and fast Data Visualization. Also includes Visual Graphical Editor for Codeless Development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - Scope Component ...

ACA Audio Recorder

4.20 download

... application's parameters for the best possible performance.<br><br> * Direct-To-Disk Long Time Recording Support<br> ACA Audio Recorder can record on the fly for as long as your like without interrupt.<br> More ...

Active Query Builder Delphi VCL Edition

1.13 download

... sorting, to construct criteria in a simple and direct way. Each union and sub-query has its own working area where it could be built visually as easy as single query. ...

LingvoSoft Free Dictionary English <-> Albanian for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

Altova MapForce Professional Edition

v2025 download

... step by step from sources to target nodes. Direct file read and write gives MapForce a performance boost by streaming arbitrarily large XML, CSV, and FLF input and output files. ...

LingvoSoft Basic Dictionary English <-> Vietnamese for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

LingvoSoft Gold Dictionary English <-> Turkish for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

Active Caller ID

4.0.1 download

... Features: * Supports 2 detection mode: TAPI and Direct COM. The COM mode should be used when TAPI is unavailable. * Every contact can be associated with a ring audio ...

LingvoSoft Standard Dictionary English <-> Vietnamese for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...

LingvoSoft Free Dictionary English <-> Vietnamese for Windows

2.1.28 download

... Windows has the following features: <br> * Instant direct translation and back translation of words <br> * Instant translation of expressions containing several words <br> * The word list lets ...