indent downloads
Win32Pad downloadWin32Pad - Free, small, fast and powerful text editor Win32Pad is a feature filled text editor that is written with a programmer in mind. Its main purpose is to provide ...
3.3.0 download... Namely, Clipboard picker, Pomodoro timer, Quick search, Auto indent ... More coming. STANDARD AND CLEAN TEXT FORMAT For maximum portability your work is stored in standard text files. Writemonkey ...
TextPad x64
9.5.0 download... words, characters and lines. Other commands let you indent blocks of text, split or join lines, and ... selected text can be case shifted and block indented, and characters, words and lines can be transposed. ...
2021.0 download... highlight color, bold, italic, underline, strikethough, subscript, superscript, indent more/less, bullet/number lists, align left/center/right/justify, line spacing and ltr/rtl and clear formatting Document.Editor also supports Spell Check, Text to Speech, Translate ...
eZee Burrp POS Restaurant Software
6.1.101 download... Bar managers can easily manage menu items, inventory, indent, new orders, delivery and also reservation with eZee BurrP! point of sale software. 1.Offers Graphical presentation of Floor Plan & different ...
1.2.0 download... including width, height, as well as wrap, overflow, indent, spacing, align, etc. - Virtual DOM, designed for drawing rapidly and only what is necessary. - Smart layering system including z-index. ...