shortcut menu downloads
1.21 download... This means you can also create a desktop shortcut to JADMaker.exe, and then drop JAR file(s) onto the shortcut. 3) Once the "Make JAD" Explorer Context-Menu ... other required files). You may make a shortcut to it on your Desktop. ...
Windows Access Panel
1.0 download... it in your Programs Files and Pin its shortcut to your Start menu and you are all set to a faster ...
3.1.1 Ba1856f7 download... automatically installed. After that you have a new shortcut named PhotoFilmStrip in your Graphics section of your main menu. PhotoFilmStrip is written in the interpreter ...
1.1.3 download... the Shells category. The Cygwin installer creates a shortcut for mintty in the Windows start menu. In MSYS, mintty can be installed with mingw-get ...
QuickMonth Calendar
2.2 download... on and off by using the Windows+Q keyboard shortcut or a different key combination that you specify. ... name of the month to see a popup menu of all the months (see example 1). Left-click ...
QuickMonth Calendar x64
2.2 download... on and off by using the Windows+Q keyboard shortcut or a different key combination that you specify. ... name of the month to see a popup menu of all the months (see example 1). Left-click ...
1.6 download... use the program you need to create a shortcut on the desktop and drag&drop any path from the Windows Explorer onto the shortcut. Or make a shortcut in your SendTo folder, ...
SSD - SetSoundDevice
4.0 download... its functions from the main window. A drop-down menu lets you choose from installed sound devices, while ... you can view the devices used and available. Shortcuts can be created for a more comfortable experience, ...
CreateInstall Free
6.2.1 download... 'Registry Entries/Extracts', 'INI Files', 'Multi-Directory Deployment', 'Shortcut and Menu Creation'. ...
Setup Creator download... of all desktop icons, item in Windows start menu in minimal time. allows facility to save ... maker utility provides facility to include dialog box, shortcut menu dialog box and other details. Affordable Setup ...
2.0.7 download... it on a computer station in the start menu as a real program. Create a shortcut of your program and your site in the start menu. Create a self-extractable file of your program with ...
Setup Installation Maker Software download... add various general details including destination path, desktop shortcuts, dialog, registry values and other attributes while producing ... folders. * Provide option of quick launch desktop shortcut, entries in add remove program and start menu. ...
Setup Maker Software download... add various general details including destination path, desktop shortcuts, dialog, registry values and other attributes while producing ... folders. * Provide option of quick launch desktop shortcut, entries in add remove program and start menu. ...
My Computer Manager
4.1.7 download... Manager allows user to add file,folder and application shortcuts to their My Computer and Control Panel. Users can totally customize the behavior of the shortcut with custom icon, name and command line arguments. ...
Bitser download... multiple zip files simultaneously from windows explorer. Context Menu (right click shortcut menu) access to archives from windows explorer. Drag-and-drop support ... for windows file verification (also included in context menu). Password Manager to store multiple passwords in a ...
ClipboardZanager download... after restarting the computer with a simple keyboard shortcut. You have enough to keep what you ... paste the data of your choice through a menu appears at the cursor of the mouse. ...
Corrupt DOCX Salvager
2.0.4 download... a pre-extraction zip repair step and an 'Alternatives' menu respectively improving its effectiveness and usefulness. The Alternatives Menu includes a shortcut to Recoveronix' Online File Repair and mentions a ...
2.34 download... program adds the Split option to the right-click menu of Windows Explorer and offers several process options. ... * File splitting and merging from the Explorer shortcut menu. * Preserves all file information including file ...
8.6.2 download... updated weather at a configured interval. Simple settings menu enables ZIP code changing without restarting application. Animate ... 10 cached radar images (3 hours worth). Single-click shortcut launches to local weather for specified ZIP ...
SWiJ SideWinder
2.4.1 download... which allows you to easily launch Applications, Websites, Shortcuts, Folders, Document Files, Pictures, Music and Videos with just a click. It can even be used to store all your frequently ...
SWiJ SideWinder Quick Launcher
2.4.1 download... which allows you to easily launch Applications, Websites, Shortcuts, Folders, Document Files, Pictures, Music and Videos with just a click. It can even be used to store all your frequently ...
RegmagiK Registry Editor
4.10.7 download... Explorer make it great power user's tool. Create shortcuts to any Registry key or value on desktop ... on 'Go to Key' toolbar button - Bookmarks menu including existing Windows XP regedit Favorites - Remove ...
RegmagiK Registry Editor 64 bit
4.10.7 download... Explorer make it great power user's tool. Create shortcuts to any Registry key or value on desktop ... on 'Go to Key' toolbar button - Bookmarks menu including existing Windows XP regedit Favorites - Remove ...
Windows 7 Little Tweaker
1.2 download... "Copy To" option in files and folders context menu, so that you can easily copy them to ... "Move To" option in files and folders context menu, so that you can easily move them to ...
LopeEdit Pro
5.8.1 download... support. o Tools can be run from Tools menu , from External Tools Bar , or by ... templates of HTML have an icon. o A shortcut can be configured for each template in order ...