vb 6 downloads

NPOI Excel C#

2022.7.7362 download

NPOI C# Excel enhances spreadsheet capabilities for your project build in VB.NET environments by adding the ability to create, format, edit and output Excel-like files within an applications native build. This ...

C# Open Excel File and Write to Excel

2022.12.10926 download

C# Open Excel File and Write to Excel Tutorial helps .NET Engineers open, write, and edit Microsoft Office Excel Spreadsheet files in C# and VB .NET Applications. IronXL Excel can import ...

Alkonost ContraCopy

3.30 download

Alkonost ContraCopy is a professional software system, that can create diskettes for a copy protected software distribution. It is a tool for programmers for C, C++, VB.NET, Visual Basic, Borland Delphi ...


2.0.0 download

QuickResizerAPI resizes and converts image files in batches. It is a convenient tool to quickly shrink your picture files to a smaller size. It saves you time from having to open ...


2.13 download

ecGraph is a powerful graphing ActiveX control that you can drop into your Visual Basic programs to create graphs in a huge range of styles. Great for scientific or technical graphs. ...


5.4.0 download

In today's software distribution, there is an increasing need to protect applications against illegal copying. AntiDuplicate is the fast and easy tool to create hardware keys for your software protection - ...

Macrobject OQL.NET Object Query Language

2008.7.10.1111 download

OQL.NET is a strong-typed database object query language. The difference between OQL.NET and SQL or other OQL lies in that OQL.NET is based on native.NET language (e.g. C# and VB.NET) instead ...

Print Preview ActiveX Control

1.40 download

Print Preview ActiveX is a small, fast, easy to use and very reliable print preview ActiveX control for developers in VC, VB, VFP, Delphi, C++ Builder, and so on. With this ...


11.2 download

MailBee.NET SMTP enables .NET applications to compose, mail merge, send mail to SMTP server (including Gmail and MS Exchange), submit to IIS SMTP or MailBee Message Queue, or send directly via ...


11.2 download

MailBee.NET IMAP component enables .NET applications to receive, parse, upload, search and manage mail and folders on IMAP4 servers including Gmail and MS Exchange. Written in 100% managed C# code, MailBee.NET ...

PDFLayout Plus

1.0 download

PDFlayout Plus - A dll for your pdf-files... Royalty free! With this dll you can get all layout-properties (listed below) from pdf-files. Page by page! As a second value you can ...


1.0 download

PDFIndexCut - A dll for your pdf-files... Royalty free! For a really fast web access! You can use it with delphi, vb(a), C, C++ and all other well known programming environments ...

Luxand FaceSDK

8.0 download

Add facial recognition and biometric identification to your applications. FaceSDK is a multi-platform library enabling Microsoft Visual C++, C#, Objective C, Swift, Java, VB, Delphi, Python developers implement fast and precise ...

MailBee.NET Security

11.2 download

MailBee.NET Security classes enable .NET applications to sign, verify, encrypt, decrypt e-mails, work with DomainKeys/DKIM, S/MIME, SSL/TLS, public and private certificates (including PFX), use MailBee.NET SMTP/POP3/IMAP components to connect to secure ...

MailBee.NET Objects

11.2 download

MailBee.NET Objects is a set of full-featured and easy-to-use .NET objects which let your applications create, send, download, parse and manage e-mails on mail servers (including Gmail and MS Exchange), file ...

.NET Licenser - licensing software

8.8.3 download

A software license is a legal instrument managing the usage or redistribution of copyright protected software. Skater .NET Licenser is Software Authorization tool designed specifically to help secure .NET software programs ...

Create Synchronicity

6.0 r1692 download

Create Synchronicity is an opensource application developed in VB.NET to synchronize files and folders and create backups. It aims at making the synchronization process as easy as possible, and yet remains ...

ForevalZ download

ForevalZ - compiler of mathematical expressions(formulas) with complex numbers given as string at 'run-time'. (math parser & compiler x86-32 CPU/FPU) . Present as "dll" library and Delphi component. Can be compiled ...

.NET Licensing software

8.8.3 download

A software license is a legal instrument managing the usage or redistribution of copyright protected software. Skater .NET Licenser is Software Authorization tool designed specifically to help secure .NET software programs ...


1.90.1177 download

TurboFTP SDK is a powerful ActiveX/.Net-ready component and offers a full set of FTP functionalities like connect to an FTP server, upload or download files, view remote directory listings, rename or ...

SD-TOOLKIT Barcode Reader SDK for Windows

2.6.9 download

The Royalty free Barcode Reader SDK for Microsoft Windows allows you to integrate barcode recognition functionality into various types of software products written in C, C++, C#, VB6, VB.NET, Java, Delphi ...

ASP Universal FormatDateTime

1.0 download

Library function to format the Date in customizable patterns and also in different localizations. If you use this function you can generalize the dateFormat and ignore all vb constants tipical on ...

SD-TOOLKIT Barcode Reader SDK for Windows Phone 8

2.1.136 download

The Royalty free Barcode Reader SDK forMicrosoft Windows Phone, Windows Mobile and Windows Embedded Compact allows you to integrate barcode recognition functionality into various types of mobile software products written in ...

Figerty Notepad

1.0 download

Figerty Notepad is a simple but powerful Windows Notepad application built in VB.NET. As it has tabbed interface, Figerty Notepad can handle multiple document pages simultaneously and comes with basic editing ...

TSSI .NET SMTP Component

2.0 download

TSSI .NET SMTP Component (TDNSC) provides an easy way to enable your .NET Framework supported programming/scripting languages (e.g. C#, VB.NET, J#, C++, A#, F#, .NET Delphi, .NET COBOL, P#, S#, and ...