i.q tests downloads
Lab Test Assayer Software
4.1.9 downloadWhat do blood test results mean? SmrtX Medical Tests Analyzer organizes and explains complex patient's laboratory tests for tracking critical info required for making quick and discreet blood test results interpretation. SmrtX Medical Tests Analyzer assists with understanding and exploring medical lab ...
IQ testing software
1.1 downloadOne of the best iq tests. This iq test is able to measure your ... quotient (iq) very accurately and quickly. It contains tests of varying psychological validity. It also contains several ...
Blood Test Interpreter
4.1.9 download... It regulates, robotizes, and interprets complex patient's laboratory tests for tracking acute information required for making advisable ... get answers to several health related issues. Such tests are not only used in the medical fields, ...
Memorizing Shapes Test
1.0 download... by Ded Pyhto, Inc, producer of multiple IQ tests, intelligence, memory and personality tests and quizzes. Memorizing Shapes Test checks and trains ... ability is very useful when you take IQ tests and in everyday life. You are given 20 ...
2018.3 download... Hierarchical Clustering, K-means, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision trees), correlation tests, parametric tests, non parametric tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, mixed models and much more. Field-specific ...
IQ & Memory booster
1.1 download... intelligence, memory and ability to take different IQ tests getting high scores. Give it a try, it ... Site also contains several free and quick IQ tests for those who'd like to check their results ...
SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB
2.3 download... administrators to create a wide variety of online tests, including the ones with multimedia support. You can set the tests to have a time limit, if necessary. To ...
Drug Calculations for Health Professionals
1.5 download... the software can be cutomised. Unique stand alone tests can be created in minutes. This has all the bells and whistles you need and more ...
AceReader Elite
10.0 download... and regression. Training activities include: Timed Reading Comprehension Tests, Eye Pacing Drills and fun Eye Exercise Games. ... hotkeys... Deluxe versions allow you to customize the Tests, Drills and Games. ...
IQ & eidetic trainer
1.1 downloadImprove your memory and boost iq tests score with this amazing program. The program is based on a complex neurophisiologic mechanism that can be used for intelligence improvement. Your iq ...
Precise IQ Test
1.0 download... you can also find several extremely difficult iq tests that measure your logical and intellectual abilities. Every of these quizzes was developed by scientists and tested on special test-group (2000 ...
JD's Auto Speed Tester
17.9 download... free program you can do regular internet speed tests in the background. It logs all your data ... window shows the graphical results of all the tests you have taken so far. On the left ...
KeyBlaze Plus Edition
4.02 download... and numbers. Including practice lessons, games, and typing tests of varying durations to test your progress along ... completion certificates * Import custom lessons, drills, and tests * Dictation audio exercises for transcription practice * ...
KeyBlaze Typing Tutor Plus
2.16 download... and numbers. Including practice lessons, games, and typing tests of varying durations to test your progress along ... completion certificates * Import custom lessons, drills, and tests * Dictation audio exercises for transcription practice * ...
IQ test package
1.0 downloadPrecise I.Q. test. Measures your intelligence and returns itsd value in a form of the intelligence quotient. Also contains IQ Test Trainer program. With the help of this program you ...
KeyBlaze Free Typing Tutor
4.02 download... punctuation and numbers. Including practice lessons and typing tests of varying durations to test your progress along the way. Free Typing Tutor Features * Typing lessons for home keys, neighbor ...
QuizMaker Pro for Mac OS X
2019.1 download... full-featured application which generates, administers, scores, and archives tests or quizzes with up to 10 different types ... keys for each version. QMPro will administer your tests and provide detailed score analysis by individual, class, ...
Blood Test Results Tool
4.1.9 download... Tool automates, organizes, and explains complex patient's laboratory tests for tracking crucial information required for making quick ... you keep track of patients' results of lab tests history. It allows you to insert a patient ...
Selenium IDE
3.17.0 download... and allows you to record, edit, and debug tests. The technology it relies on allows the automation ... IDE is the ideal environment for creating Selenium tests no matter what style of tests you prefer. ...
Personality quiz with colors
1.0 download... your personality, your psychological problems, etc. This program tests you in two ways- using one monochrome and two 8-colors table. You can find description of this at the program's webpage: ...
AD Sound Tools
2.0 download... purposes. It allows you to perform some interesting tests with your sound devices including microphone localization and sound interference tests. Key features: Real time signal control ...
Docklight Scripting
2.4.5 download... the VBScript engine, allowing you to write your tests in a simple and well-known script language. Docklight's basic functions and features are made available through a small and convenient set ...
FRS Spelling Challenger
1.7 download... improve scores on spelling and definitions quizzes and tests by using FRS Spelling Challenger. Students can benefit from practice with FRS Spelling Challenger in any subject area where vocabulary skills ...
FRS Spelling Challenger for Mac OS X
1.7 download... improve scores on spelling and definitions quizzes and tests by using FRS Spelling Challenger. Students can benefit from practice with FRS Spelling Challenger in any subject area where vocabulary skills ...
0.6 downloadCharon searches for proxy servers and tests their anonymity. Includes a custom filter for dangerous (fbi/gov/army) ranges Charon is a multipurpose proxy program. Charon will search google for publically ...