cosine downloads
1.0 download... also draw: * Oblongs * Trigonometric functions (SINE, COSINE) * Parabolas, by picking 3 points that belong to the parabola, and additional points to define its limits * Catenary curves, ...
FIR Designer
1.40 download... following filter shapes: low-pass, low-pass square root raised cosine, high-pass, band-pass, band-stop, Hilbert transform, averaging, differentiator and ... of the following window functions: rectangular, triangular (Bartlett), cosine, Hamming, Blackman (with ?=0.16), Blackman-Harris and Hann (Hanning). ...
1.1 downloadWith the Harmonix Photoshop plug-in you can create complex waveforms. The waveforms generated by Harmonix are created by mixing (or superimposing for the more technically-minded) harmonic frequencies. All features of the ...
Trigonometry Challenge
5.1 download... the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines are includes. This program is also useful to teach trigonometric concepts required in the study of AC circuit analysis. ...
CalculationLaboratory downloadCalculationLaboratory - mathematical program that can handle scripts (your own programming language), also can process scripts extreme numbers (both decimal binary(256-bit number) and a 16-bit format). There is support for multi-threading ...
Image Analyzer
1.43 download... YCbCr, YIQ and PCA Distance, Fourier and discrete cosine transformation Math expression module for creating and transforming images and advanced "pocket" calculator with equation solver Plugin system for adding more ...
Fourier: Making Waves
1.1.1 download... waveforms can be constructed from simple sine and cosine functions. The software is particularly beneficial for students ... of complex waveforms into their constituent sine and cosine components. This feature not only aids in grasping ...
SignalLab .NET
8.0 download... Fast and Discrete Fourier Transformations(FFT and DFT), Discrete Cosine Transformation(DCT) over real and complex data, Median, Hilbert, Haar, Goertzel and more. - FIR - Finite Impulse Response filter. - IIR ...