sound email downloads
Sound of Letters and Numbers in English
1.0 downloadThis application plays the sound of all the letters and numbers in English. ... click the letters and numbers to hear their sound. You can also type letters and numbers to hear their sound. Drag the letters and numbers around the screen, ...
Vemail Voice Email Software for Windows
2.14 download... send voice messages instead of text using ordinary email from you PC or Pocket PC. How Vemail ... a voice message with Vemail simply enter an email address and then press and hold down F6 ...
Vemail Voice Email Software Professional
2.14 download... send voice messages instead of text using ordinary email from you PC or Pocket PC. How Vemail ... a voice message with Vemail simply enter an email address and then press and hold down F6 ...
RecordPad Sound Recorder Free for Mac
10.06 downloadRecordPad Sound Recorder Free for Mac is ideal for recording ... recordings by format, date, duration, or size. RecordPad Sound Recorder Free for Mac is designed to be ... record audio notes, messages, announcements, and more! RecordPad Sound Recorder Free for Mac features: - Record sound, ...
MailBell (Email Notify, Spam Blocker)
2.66 download... and anti-spam utility that assists you with your email accounts. The program periodically checks one or multiple email accounts (POP3, IMAP, POP3/IMAP-SSL, MAPI, Gmail) and notifies you when new mail arrives by playing a sound or showing a notification window. It also allows ...
Howard Email Notifier
2.08 download... is a replacement for the Windows Live Messenger email notification. A tooltip and a sound will notify you about a new email. The tooltip shows you the sender and email subject. Just click the tooltip or icon to ...
RecordPad Sound Recorder Pro for Mac
6.00 download... recordings by format, date, duration, or size. RecordPad Sound Recorder for Mac is designed to be simple ... RecordPad Pro Edition for Mac features: - Record sound, voice, notes, music or any other audio - ...
MP3 Audio Sound Recorder
1.25 downloadMP3 Audio Sound Recorder allows you to make high-quality audio recordings ... any internal or external source into WAV/MP3/WMA format sound file directly without costing any other disk space.You can get high quality sound,and easily download to an MP3 player. Features: Record ...
Gmail Alarm and Alert For New Email Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to setup various sounds to be played when new Gmail e-mails arrive in the inbox. The user chooses a sound file for all e-mails that arrive and a ...
POP Peeper Pro
5.4.6 downloadPOP Peeper is an email notifier that supports POP3, IMAP with instant push ... are also many notification options available such as sound alerts (configurable for each account), flashing keyboard LED, ... and there are options available to make reading email safer when using HTML by removing possibly harmful ...
2.66 download... lives in your system tray and periodically checks email on POP3, IMAP4, MAPI and Web-Email accounts. It ... can automatically start your mail reader, play a sound and/or display an unobstrusive notification window from which ...
You've Got Mail
1.8 downloadShows Animation and Plays Sound when e-mail arrives. You've Got Mail is a ... like, and when you have got e-mail different sounds and animations can be played. You've Got Mail ... with Hotmail, Live, Gmail, Yahoo and many more email providers. Shows Animation and Plays Sound when e-mail ...
REplay PLAYer
6.0 download... of granular synthesis. The program de-constructs a given sound file and re-composes it by using realtime composition ... from itself (auto-poetic), at the moment of its sounding." REplay PLAYer can be used as a ...
Advanced Disk Space Monitor
4.05 download... usage on a remote server or workstation via email alerts and reports. It can monitor each disk ... Also it is possible to use local warnings, sound notifications and tasks. Advanced Disk Space Monitor can ...
DialDictate Phone Dictation System
4.28 download... unlimited users and can send dictations via FTP, email and LAN.This system is ideal for organizations such ... sender information) * Automatically send dictation recordings by email, LAN or via FTP * Recordings can be ...
Checker Plus for Gmail
31.0 download... tool offers a seamless way to manage your emails directly from your browser, eliminating the need to ... essential tool for anyone looking to streamline their email management. **Key Features:** 1. **Real-Time Notifications:** ...
2.6.925 download... alike over the Internet, your local network, through Email (correspondence games), or play against several challenging computer ... beginners and masters alike, with robust graphics and sound, fun characters, a customizable interface with free downloadable ...
POP Peeper
5.5.1 downloadPOP Peeper is an email notifier that runs in your Windows task bar and alerts you when you have new email on your POP3, IMAP (with IDLE support), HotmailMSNLiveMail, ... POP Peeper and use the address book to email your frequently used contacts. POP Peeper allows you ...
POP Peeper
5.5.1 downloadPOP Peeper is an email notifier that runs in your Windows task bar and alerts you when you have new email on your POP3, IMAP (with IDLE support), HotmailMSNLiveMail, ... POP Peeper and use the address book to email your frequently used contacts. POP Peeper allows you ...
Power Audio Recorder
2.00 downloadPower Audio Recorder(MP3 Audio Sound Recorder) enables you to record sound from any input source on your computer, including anything that is played back via your sound card, external microphone or any other audio input ...
RecordPad Pro Edition for Mac
10.06 download... recordings by format, date, duration, or size. RecordPad Sound Recorder for Mac is designed to be simple ... RecordPad Pro Edition for Mac features: - Record sound, voice, notes, music or any other audio - ...
H264 WebCam Deluxe
4.0 download... detection algorithm along with various alert functions including Email, FTP, and sound. It can encode your camera to H264 and ...
AC3 Filter
2.6.0b download... much of processing options allows to adjust the sound in almost any way. It is possible to ... track; much of processing options allows adjusting the sound in almost any way. It is possible to ...
56 download... radio receiver or scanner. It uses the computer's sound card to listen to the received audio and ... pages, the program will record dispatch audio and email that audio to a specified email address. Multiple ...
Check Mail (POP)
1.1 download... web page of your choosing. Change the alert sound, display a notification box or even customise the icons. Works with SSL so you can use it to notify of new ...