secret file downloads
ExtraDisks Home
25.3.1 download... for creating Encrypted disks, Virtual disks based on files and Virtual disks based on folders. The current ... store confidential information which you`d like to keep secret from other users. The disk is encrypted using ...
IE Password Unmask Utility download... revealer tool shows deleted passwords of all compressed files like ACE, ZIP, RAR, PDF and saves in text file format at user specific location in hard disk. ...
east-tec InvisibleSecrets
4.8 download... InvisibleSecrets 4 not only encrypts your data and files for safe keeping or for secure transfer across ... appear totally innocent, such as picture or sound files, or web pages. These types of files are ...
2.61.0 download... associated with maintaining consistency and synchronization of configuration files across various systems. At its core, chezmoi ... features of chezmoi is its ability to manage secrets securely. It integrates seamlessly with various secret management ...
GPassword Manager
3.1.1 download... security. Developed cross-platform with Qt and Crypto++ for file encryption. Features: · Intuitive, lightweight interface ... you want without all the extras · Secure file encryption, with one master password to unlock your ...
GPassword Manager for Linux
3.1.0 Alpha download... security. Developed cross-platform with Qt and Crypto++ for file encryption. Features: · Intuitive, lightweight interface ... you want without all the extras · Secure file encryption, with one master password to unlock your ...
Rohos Mini Drive
3.0 download... The second, Rohos Disk Browser, is a portable file manager, which can be useful when the encrypted ... Single-click functions include open, saving, deleting, and displaying file properties. Searching and opening the partition is also ...
Rohos Mini Drive
3.0 download... The second, Rohos Disk Browser, is a portable file manager, which can be useful when the encrypted ... Single-click functions include open, saving, deleting, and displaying file properties. Searching and opening the partition is also ...
25.2.1 download... secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the ... system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ArmorTools: ...
ArmorTools Home
25.3.1 download... secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the ... system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ArmorTools: ...
ArmorTools Home x64
25.3.1 download... secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the ... system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ArmorTools: ...
25.3.1 download... secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the ... system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ArmorTools: ...
ArmorTools Pro
25.3.1 download... secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools Pro removes traces of ... ArmorTools Pro contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, Scan Files and ...
ArmorTools Professional x64
25.3.1 download... secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools Pro x64 removes traces ... Pro x64 contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, Scan Files and ...
ArmorTools Professional
25.3.1 download... secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the ... system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ArmorTools: ...
KakaSoft Advanced Folder Encryption
6.70 download... can simultaneously encrypt, lock and password protect your files and folders in an easy and reliable way. ... enabling encryption, decryption, viewing and editing of any file with just a few clicks of the mouse. ...
Image Vault
1.01 download... With Image Vault you can create a vault file into which you can encrypt, store, manage and view any image file and keep them password protected and secret from the eyes of others. Unlike other software ...
WebCheck Parental Monitor download... images of the monitor screen at intervals and file sizes you choose. Parents access the WebCheck's logs and images using a secret, customizable key combination. WebCheck captures keystrokes in any
abylon BASIC
23.60.1 download... But the encrypting of diaries, pictures or other secret documents with the AES- or Blowfish-Algorithm is relatively ... only few steps are necessary to protect your files. Simple select the files in the File Explorer ...
Hacker Freeze
1.2 download... your family pictures and all of your personal files are at risk! Everyday, thousands of hackers are ... prevent them from gaining access to your computer files and stopping a bad situation from happening to ...
MultiObfuscator Cryptography & Obfuscation
2.00 download... - Deniable cryptography - Up to 256Mb of secret file (binary mode) - Up to 256Kb of secret text (text/email mode) - Whitening selection level - ... Native portable structure (no installation, registry keys, .ini files) - Data Execution Prevention (DEP) support MultiObfuscator is ...
The Secure Spreadsheet
1.0 download... and secure while at the same time doing secret calculations on each other's inputs. The once killer ... Other security solutions for spreadsheets focus on stronger file encryption, granular access control on cells and/or software ...
Rescue SD Card Pro
2.6.3 download... missing pictures, retrieving formatted data and restoring deleted files. It also owns the ability of retrieving large video and audio files. No matter what format of files you want to recure, Rescue SD Card Pro ...
Advanced Encryption Package 2008 Professional
4.8.7 downloadTypically you encrypt files because you don't want others to see them, ... sometimes you want to send someone an encrypted file. Most if not all encryption programs allow you ... be its flexibility: Not only can you encrypt files for your own protection but you can easily ...
Advanced Encryption Package 2008 Professional
4.8.7 downloadTypically you encrypt files because you don't want others to see them, ... sometimes you want to send someone an encrypted file. Most if not all encryption programs allow you ... be its flexibility: Not only can you encrypt files for your own protection but you can easily ...