genome browser downloads
Integrated Genome Browser
7.0.4 B15225 downloadThe Integrated Genome Browser (IGB, pronounced Ig-Bee) is an interactive, zoomable, scrollable ... program you can use to visualize and explore genome-scale data sets, such as tiling array data, next-generation sequencing results, genome annotations, microarray designs, and the sequence itself. IGB ...
Celera Genome Browser
5.1 downloadThe Celera Genome Browser, developed at Celera Genomics as part of Celera's sequencing and annotation of the human genome, and released as open source in 2006. ...
Celera Genome Browser for Linux
5.1 downloadThe Celera Genome Browser, developed at Celera Genomics as part of Celera's sequencing and annotation of the human genome, and released as open source in 2006. ...
2450 downloadGenomeView is a next-generation stand-alone genome browser and editor initiated in the BSB group at ...
Unipro UGENE 64-bit
50.0 download... Support for external tools: BLAST+, MAFFT, T-Coffee; Assembly Browser — a shiny BAM viewer. User interface Visual and interactive genome browsing including circular plasmid view; Multiple alignment editor;
2.0.0 download... project is supported by University of Tokyo (Human Genome Center), Kyoto University (Bioinformatics Center) and the Open ... used in the shell, and in the web browser. * BioRuby is supported by the Open Bioinformatics ...
Unipro UGENE for Mac
50.0 download... Support for external tools: BLAST+, MAFFT, T-Coffee; Assembly Browser — a shiny BAM viewer. User interface Visual and interactive genome browsing including circular plasmid view; Multiple alignment editor;
Unipro UGENE for Linux
50.0 download... Support for external tools: BLAST+, MAFFT, T-Coffee; Assembly Browser — a shiny BAM viewer. User interface Visual and interactive genome browsing including circular plasmid view; Multiple alignment editor;