university downloads
IcePaHC for Windows - Icelandic Treebank
0.5 download... Einar Freyr Sigurðsson and Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson at the University of Iceland. ...
tlReader downloadtlReader is a simple-to-use application designed to help you view the content of TLex, tlTerm and tlDatabase files in a comfortable environment, without needing to install specialized software to do so. ...
TLex Dictionary Production Software download... is in use by major publishers, including Oxford University Press SA. There are different price classes for commercial users, individuals (personal licenses), and special low-cost licenses are available for academic ...
Android PC SMS download... holidays, results or other updates at thousand of university students, faculty or staff irrespective of their service providers. Brilliant SMS message utility for Android cell phone allowed business to advertise ...
3.0 RC3 download... geometry-oriented AEC applications has been developed at Bauhaus University Weimar: CADEMIA. While CADEMIA was originally written for teaching and research purposes it is now available as open source software for ...
4.2.0 download... former department of Information Theory at the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. Because the library is coded in C++, the name IT++ seemed like a good idea at the ...
4.4 download... Association World Congress (IFSA'05, Beijing, China), 528-533. Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag, Beijing, China, and Heidelberg, Germany 2005. ifsa_05.pdf (107 kb) (70 kb) (6 pages) Fuzzy Frequent Pattern Discovery ...
Making Cards download... cards for personal, investigator, students, employee, badges, business, university, faculty and visitors in easiest manner. ID card maker tool provides security from external users by using password setting feature during ...
3.0 download... world since 2005, and it's a favorite of university media labs. Whether it's breaking news or a project that landed on your desk at the last minute, Soundslides provides the ...
Soundslides for Mac OS X
3.0 download... world since 2005, and it's a favorite of university media labs. Whether it's breaking news or a project that landed on your desk at the last minute, Soundslides provides the ...
Soundslides Plus
3.0 download... world since 2005, and it's a favorite of university media labs. Whether it's breaking news or a project that landed on your desk at the last minute, Soundslides provides the ...
GSM Modem for Sending SMS downloadMost technically powerful GSM modem for sending messages software is coming in market that supports latest graphical user interface which helps user step by step to easily understand program in few ...
3.2.11 download... if you long to capture and distribute your university lectures or plain simply want to show the world your browser game high score via - Screenium will get out ...
2.0.1 download... given by Dr. Manuel J. Blanco at the University of Seville in September 2008. Although, the audio track is in Spanish, the video is closed-captioned in Spanih, and subtitled in ...
Tonatiuh x64
2.0.1 download... given by Dr. Manuel J. Blanco at the University of Seville in September 2008. Although, the audio track is in Spanish, the video is closed-captioned in Spanih, and subtitled in ...
Tonatiuh for Mac OS X
1.2.6 download... given by Dr. Manuel J. Blanco at the University of Seville in September 2008. Although, the audio track is in Spanish, the video is closed-captioned in Spanih, and subtitled in ...
Tonatiuh for Linux
2.0.1 download... given by Dr. Manuel J. Blanco at the University of Seville in September 2008. Although, the audio track is in Spanish, the video is closed-captioned in Spanih, and subtitled in ...
Adit Testdesk Testserver
2.50 B2276a download... Plain-text customer satisfaction surveys, product questionnaires, language tests, university exams and sophisticated certification tests are all made easily possible with Adit Testdesk. Tests and Exams: from Paper-based to Computer-based ...
0.9.35 download... at the Concept Lab of the Eindhoven Technical University. Sketchify extends the concept of paper and pencil sketching to a more generic concept of rapid manipulation of interaction material. ...
Battle Academy
2.5 download... with Professor John Buckley, Military Historian at the University of Wolverhampton and a keen wargamer himself, to make sure that the strategy, tactics, scenarios and available firepower of the battles ...
2020.3.19 download... realistic home simulator out old airplane parts, to university research and instructional use, to simply having a viable alternative to commercial PC simulators. Flight Gear and its source code ...
FlightGear for Mac OS X
2020.3.19 download... realistic home simulator out old airplane parts, to university research and instructional use, to simply having a viable alternative to commercial PC simulators. Flight Gear and its source code ...
1.6 download... Ministry for Economic Affairs, Danish Energy Agency, Technical University of Denmark, universities and more. Easy installation by means of a all-inclusive Windows installer, or manually by means of a zip-file ...
RElim x64
4.4 download... Association World Congress (IFSA'05, Beijing, China), 528-533. Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag, Beijing, China, and Heidelberg, Germany 2005. ifsa_05.pdf (107 kb) (70 kb) (6 pages) Fuzzy Frequent Pattern Discovery ...
PDF Page Organizer
2.9.0 download... from the publication manuals, to the presentation of university projects, it is necessary for us to apply some useful tool to manage our PDF files and master our PDF document ...