checkers game downloads
Checkers Game Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to play a game of checkers against the computer. There is an option for ... to see how the computer is thinking. This game is free. ...
Checkers Pro
downloadCheckers Pro is an implementation of the classic board game Checkers, also known as Draughts, Chequers, Dames or Damas, for Windows Phone 7. It is the only Checkers game in Windows Phone 7 with real-time online ...
Magic Checkers
1.01 downloadOne of the most popular logic games is Checkers. There are many variations of this game. We offer you an implementation made according to the rules of Russian Checkers. The game is endowed with a simple and ...
Amusive Checkers
2.0 downloadCheckers is an old oriental intellectual game. Now it you can insert it into your PC so that you can play the game whenever you like, with no need of a ...
Strategist Checkers
3.1 downloadPlay a traditional game of checkers against a computer opponent, or play against another ... and more experienced player. Uses AFC rules for checkers. ...
3D Chinese Checkers Unlimited
1.0 download... play is a good initiation for more complex games of strategy like the GO. The rules are ... so the children like this visual and colored game and can play it as soon as they ...
3D Checkers Unlimited
2.4 downloadThe Checkers or Draught games as they are known respectively in the US ... played in the world, which explains why the game didn't become standardized under a unique presentation. TLK Games developed a classical version of the game that ...
Fantastic Checkers Free
downloadFantastic Checkers Free is a great version of this traditional board game. It has beautiful graphics and a nicely tuned ... a friend. If you are a fan of checkers (draughts) you will love this game. ...
Zillions of Games 2
2.0.1 downloadGet ready to play Reversi, Checkers, Chinese Chess, Blobs, Vertical Tic-Tac-Toe, Mini-Go, Mini-Shogi, 'Losing' ... Geese, Senat, Tafl, Morris, and many other exciting games and puzzles! Zillions is always ready for a ...
2.0 download... of Morris, credited as being the worlds oldest game, over 2,000 years! There is a reason why ... power, its fun. If you like chess or checkers, you will love this award winning classic. Place ...
FreeSweetGames Cheskers
1.0.40 downloadThe game field is presented by positions of black cells ... camel and king. Pawns move as pieces in checkers: they move, without taking, one square diagonally forward, ... is not mandatory. Kings moves as a promoted checkers piece: this is the same type of move ...
FreeSweetGames Backgammon
2.2.40 downloadThe game of long and short backgammon. You can create ... Backgammon is to move all of one's own checkers to the player's home and then remove them from the board. Players move their checkers in counter-clockwise directions. The first player who has ...
Nine Men's Morris
1.1.3 downloadPlay a challenging three-in-a-row strategy game! Nine Men's Morris is an exciting capture and defend strategy game that is endlessly entertaining. If you like chess or checkers, you will love this award winning classic. Place ...
3D Chess Online Games
1.4 download3D Chess is a free online game in PopGameBox; it is played on a chessboard, ... vertically, or diagonally. Only once per player, per game, is a king allowed to make a special ...
1.0 downloadMake board game scoring easier with ScoreGeek! Track your game history, see detailed statistics and compete to unlock achievements! This is the ultimate app for board game geeks! -Over 50 built-in score calculators assist you ...
1.34 downloadOverload is a unique logic game for 1 or 2 players on setting off ... or via network. The major feature of this game is great instability of the game situation. Nobody ...
Backgammon Classic Pro
8.4 download... intuitive and easy to use interface, including a game position editor. New 2D and 3D design for game boards, game or match play, statistical information, save/load for games, doubling cube, new checker styles and rating support ...
Chess Marvel
3.1 downloadPlay a traditional game chess against a computer opponent, or play against another human player. Set up the game board for practice play. Play at different levels, for ...
2020.11.12 downloadCheckersland allows you to enjoy the game of checkers with either a computerized opponent, or with any ... over the world. Not only that, but the game provides you with a whole array of different ...
FreeSweetGames Shashki
6.2.40 download... left or cannot move anymore has lost the game. Uncrowned pieces ("shashka") move one step diagonally forwards and capture other pieces by making two steps in the same direction, jumping ...
Blobs Peg Solitaire
2.052 download... of Peg Solitaire and HiQ - popular thinking games similar to Chinese Checkers. The object is simple ... as you jump ...
Backgammon Classic
7.2 download... can extend your fun and improve your skills! Game or match play, statistical information, save/load a game, doubling cube, several checker styles and rating support ...
3D Backgammon Unlimited
1.0 downloadThe Backgammon, an immensely popular game for two players, is a clever combination of luck and strategy game that can be played under hundreds of codified ... antiquity or even earlier like the beautiful Royal game of Ur. The board consists of 24 numbered ...
2.0 downloadPlay online multiplayer games, join our live chat rooms, make local and international friends, with this free game and social app. [--- List of multiplayer games included ---] Play online with real human opponents: ...
CardGameCentral Games - Canasis
2.6.6 downloadFREE card games, board games, and dominoes including canasta, spades, hearts, euchre, pinochle, checkers, and more. Play online against people or robots. Famous for having thousands of types of each game. Both single deck and double deck pinochle, cut ...