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PhysPro Fluid Properties downloadPhysPro Fluid Properties is a physical properties estimation software that uses two powerful databases, both ... common refrigerants). The software also include humid air properties and has the ability to estimate mixture properties ...
CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import for Excel download... CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import supports accessing compounds, constant compound properties, temperature dependent compound properties, phases, mixture properties, two phase properties and phase equilibria. Excel CAPE-OPEN Thermo does not ...
Vertical Thermosiphon Design download... check Available tables and databases; Water and steam properties, Fouling Factors, Material thermal conductivities, Typical film heat ... store your own values too!. Estimate the Physical properties of pure components for more than 1450 components; ...
Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Design download... tube and its length. + Estimate the Physical properties of pure components for more than 1450 fluids ... can be downloaded separately for demo); The physical properties software can also estimate mixture properties. (ALL ESTIMATION ...
Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design download... measurements units with 200-unit conversion +Ability to import properties to Hot/Cold sides from Microsoft Excel. +Export Results ... calculations & Entrance and Exit losses. -Databases +Physical properties estimation of pure components for more than 1450 ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite
1.2.9 download... equilibrium composition of combustion products, determines its thermodynamic properties, and predicts the theoretical rocket performance. The results ... and frozen chemical equilibrium Optimisation of propellant components mixture ratio for maximum specific impulse of bipropellant systems ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite x64
1.2.0 download... equilibrium composition of combustion products, determines its thermodynamic properties, and predicts the theoretical rocket performance. The results ... and frozen chemical equilibrium Optimisation of propellant components mixture ratio for maximum specific impulse of bipropellant systems ...
1.8.5 download... peng-robinson A full range of thermophysical and transport properties for each phase is generated. equilibrium flash T-P ... now easily and reliably calculate thermodynamic and transport properties and use the results to size equipment and ...
Process Engineering Calculator download... unit conversions. + Fouling factors, water and steam properties and physical properties + Orifice sizing: Size an Orifice using International ... API RP 14E to estimate the erosional velocity, mixture density, minimum pipe cross sectional area + Head ...