religious downloads
Green Tara
2.0 download"Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha" is the Green Tara mantra of Tibetan Buddhism. According to Tibetan Buddhism's beliefs, this mantra can not only eliminate disasters, disease, troubles, and Karma but will ...
The Goddess Gayatri
2.0 downloadGayatri Devi the Goddess,Originally the personification of the mantra, the goddess Gāyatrī is considered the veda mata, the mother of all Vedas and the consort of the God Brahma and also ...
High King Avalokitesvara Sutra
2.0 downloadThat is why in the High King Sutra, it is said: "able to stop the cycle of life and death, and annihilate all the misfortunes and sufferings". This sutra is highly ...
Message of White Buffalo, Dendreah
2.0 downloadDendreah or 'Desert Rose' in Lakota Sioux, the White Buffalo Woman who brought the Sacred Pipes to the Sioux people before the European invasion or contact. "Walk in Peace. Walk in ...
All Master in the Higher Realms
2.0 downloadWhen we come into contact with a 'True Teacher' or 'Enlightened Master', it has a 'Quickening'or awakening effect on that same consciousness within everyone. The teacher's intense internal vibration of the ...
Pond of Famous Japanese Zen Koi
2.0 downloadKoi, One of the many japanese famous exotic fishes. The best breed of koi fish usually depends on the attractive randomise dot pattern, the bright colors and the perfect balancing form ...
Jesus at Himalayas
2.0 downloadThis place is sometimes referred to as a 'place of concealment'. Kashmir - the valley of Kashmir in the Himalayas, which is also known as 'Heaven on Earth ','the garden of ...
Jesus Baptize with Inner Light
2.0 downloadBaptize is an ancient Initiation Ritual, very common in the East. In this particular ritual, a spiritual seeker must go through the cleansing process, for which water is symbolically used, then ...
Jesus Pray at Grand Canyon 2
2.0 downloadWhat are we to pray for? Lord Jesus reminds you: “your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him.” The prayer is, therefore for His Grace, for ...
Jiddu Krishnamurti
2.0 downloadLove is not different from truth. Love is that state in which the thought process, as time, has completely ceased - Jiddu Krishnamurti ...
Avatar Krishna meditating
2.0 downloadKrishna has transcended the mind; he has gone beyond mind. And he has attained to that integrity which is the integrity of the soul, which is altogether capable of being in ...
GM Lu Sheng Yen meditating at forest
2.0 downloadAmid my contemplation, sitting inside a circle of bright light, I have arisen. I realized: "I am the Buddha." "The Emptiness of Ego is Buddhahood." "The Emptiness of Ego is equivalent ...
Ksitigarbha saving all hell beings
2.0 downloadHell is not somewhere in the future, neither is heaven. Each act carries its own heaven or hell. Remain balanced and you are in heaven; become unbalanced and a hell is ...
Master Lu Sheng Yen Ta Qiu Nan Cou
2.0 downloadThe Great Relief for Calamities Mantra, Ta Qiu Nan Cou is transmitted by Grand Master Lu Sheng Yen. ...
Maha Maya The World Mother
2.0 downloadMaha Maya, The World Mother,as visualized by a theosophist.She was the very Personification of Beauty, Goodness and Truth. The Embodiment of Maha Maya, The World Mother during on earth : Goddess ...
Maha Locia, Buddhist Dharmapala
2.0 downloadMaha Locia, One of the twenty eight Quan Yin's (Avalokitesvara) Dharmapala. He is actually a snake with a form of Humanbody, The King of Snake who heard Shakyamuni's teaching and realize ...
Mahavira,The Twenty Fourth Tirthankara
2.0 downloadMahavira (599 – 527 BCE) is the name most commonly used to refer to the Indian sage Vardhamana who established what are today considered to be the central tenets of Jainism. ...
Meditate on the Beach with six Dalmatian
2.0 downloadA meditator dives deep -- a thinker moves on the surface. Thinking is like swimming. Meditation is not like swimming, it is diving deep; going to the same point but on ...
Super Red Arowana at mini waterfall
2.0 downloadThe Super Red Arowana is become a prestige symbol for its owner, for mostly chinese people believe that this kind of fish can bring fortune and wealth. ...
Osho enjoying zen garden view
2.0 downloadThe moment you become knowledgeable you lose innocence. And innocence is the garden. In innocence, flowers bloom. In innocence, fragrance is released. In innocence, all is bliss. The garden is a ...
Lu Sheng Yen (Lian Shen) Ocean of Wisdom
2.0 downloadAt the age of 25, my Deva-eyes were initiated; and Three-Mountain-Nine-Marquis become my spiritual teacher. Unpolished, I innocently revealed that I was the reincarnated body of Padmakumara. ...
2.0 downloadAccording to the Buddhist scriptures, practising his Dharma will enable the follower to have unlimited and mysterious virtue. He will become wiser and more elequent and eliminate diseases, disastres and evils. ...
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
2.0 downloadThis is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. ...
Pyramid Egypt, Future Meditation Centre
2.0 downloadThe truth is that the pyramids were especially constructed for spiritual purposes; they were places where spiritual sadhana could be carried on with great ease and advantage. The very form of ...
Quan Yin riding the Holy Dragon
2.0 downloadQuan Yin's name is a translation of the Sanskrit name of her chief progenitor which is Avalokitesvara, also known as Avalokita. In its proper form it is Kuanshih Yin, which means ...