file date changer downloads

FMS File Date Changer

3.0.8 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...

FMS File Date Changer

3.0.4 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...

File Time Changer

1.0 download

File Time Changer is the Free Command-line tool to quickly change the Date/Time stamp of the file. It also allows you to view the current date/time of the file before modifying it. You can ...

File Date Modified

3.0.3 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...

File Date Change

3.0.4 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...

File Date

1.1 download

Filedate FileDate offers a date picker to change the date (last written/modified). The time (of day) is taken from the original date/time stamp, and remains unchanged. FileDate expects one(!) file as command argument, and is ...

Modify File Date

3.0.3 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...

Change File Date

3.0.4 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...

Batch MMedia Date Changer

2.31 download

Batch MMedia Date Changer, developed by iRedSoft Technology Inc., is a specialized ... of managing and modifying the metadata of multimedia files. This utility is particularly useful for photographers, videographers, ... archivists who need to correct or standardize the date and time information embedded in their media files. ...

IW File Properties Changer

1.84 download

File Properties Changer is an application designed to change properties of files, file attributes, file name extensions and a name of a file. Program can set the date and time that ...

Batch MMedia Date Changer

1.90 download

... to change the camera clock to the current date and time or set the wrong date or time like when you wanted to take ... when you go back and checked, all the dates and or time are wrong. Arrgh! Ive been ...

CM Batch JPEG Date Changer

1.8.0 download

... to change the camera clock to the current date and time or set the wrong date or time like when you wanted to take ... when you go back and checked, all the dates and or time are wrong. Arrgh! Ive been ...

MS PowerPoint File Properties Changer

3.16 download

MS PowerPoint File Properties Changer is an application that will help you to view and change the Microsoft Office PowerPoint File properties such as summary information, file date-time stamps and file attributes. You can view ...

MS Word Document File Properties Changer

3.16 download

MS Word Document File Properties Changer is an application that will help you to view and modify the Microsoft Office Word document file properties such as summary information, file date-time stamps ...

MS Excel File Properties Changer

3.16 download

MS Excel File Properties Changer is an application that will help you to view and change the Microsoft Office Excel file properties such as summary information, file date-time stamps and file attributes. You can view ...

File Creation Modified Date

3.0.4 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...

Change File Timestamp

3.0.3 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...

Attribute Changer

11.30c Build 2024.10 download

Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The ... to day tasks in Microsoft Windows. Photo date and time A click on the push ...

CM Batch Filename Changer

1.1.3 download

CM Batch Filename Changer came about from years of getting a simple to use but yet comprehensive filename changer for the Mac. This app was born from ... photos but evolved to support any kind of files on the Mac. It uses a two step ...

Files Last Accessed

3.0.3 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date ...


1.3.1 download

... a utility to batch-change the creation and/or modification date of files and folders. BatchTouch provides an easy-to-use way to change the creation and/or modification date of multiple files and folders all at once. ...

TouchPro x64

1.05 download

... utility designed to give users precise control over file and folder timestamps on Windows systems. This software ... to modify the creation, modification, and last access dates of files and directories with ease. One ...

AttributeMagic Standard

2.5 download

Advanced utility change file/folder date-time stamps and attributes. You can modify modification, creation and last accessed date-time stamps of files and folders. AttributeMagic Standard can copy, shift and mask date-time stamps, extract date-time information from the file name. ...

Funduc Software Touch

7.2 download

... time/date &/or attribute stamps on one or more files. In addition, FS Touch can add/subtract a specified number of seconds from the existing file time. You can specify which file(s) and/or subdirectories ...

Funduc Software Touch 64-bit

7.2 download

... time/date &/or attribute stamps on one or more files. In addition, FS Touch can add/subtract a specified number of seconds from the existing file time. You can specify which file(s) and/or subdirectories ...