httpd downloads
The Uniform Server
15.0.1 download... with either PHP, MySQL, Perl, or the Apache HTTPd Server. The Uniform Server is a small server that is less than 5MB (the installation file that is) and unlike ...
Stunnix Perl Web Server
2.10 downloadStunnix Perl Web Server is designed for putting any Perl/PHP/MySQL/SQLite-based website on CDROM, that once put to tray will run off CDROM (including webserver itself, MySQL and PHP/Perl interpreters) and will ...
2.2.6 downloadmod_authnz_ibmdb2 is an Apache authentication module using IBM DB2 as the backend database for storing user and group information. The module supports several encryption methods. I also provide UDFs and Stored ...
Deep Log Analyzer Professional
7.1 download... (CLF), Combined Log Format (used on Apache, NCSA HTTPd, Netscape Enterprise Server and other unix-based servers) · Filter reports by date, compare reports for different date intervals · Export reports ...