molar downloads
Molar Mass / Molecular Weight Calculator
0.5.1 downloadMolecular mass or molecular weight is the mass of a molecule. It is calculated as the sum of the atomic masses of each constituent element or group of elements multiplied by ...
CASC concentration calculator download... Built in concentration calculator converts concentrations between percent, molarity, molality and molar fractions, automatically taking density changes into account thanks ...
THCA - Metode McCabe-Thiele
1.8.4 download... plat a la grafica de McCabe-Thiele. - Fraccio molar dels corrents d'alimentacio, destil-lat i residu. - Volatilitat relativa - Taula d'equilibri liquid-vapor - Obre i desa taula de l'equilibri liquid-vapor ...
BATE pH calculator download... needed. Built in calculator allows easy calculation of molar masses and concentrations for a given substance formula. Printouts describing equlibrium contain information of concentrations and activties of all ions present ...
DPLS Scientific Calculator
3.2.1 download... calculators, maths calculators, gas laws calculators, statistical calculators, molar mass calculators and pH calculators. The system contains extensive science data reference systems including SI units, derived quantities, maths laws, atomic ...
PTTD - Numero platos columna destilacion
1.8.0 downloadPTTD - Numero de platos teoricos de columnas destilacion por el metodo de McCabe Thiele para destilacion de mezclas binarias (incluyendo azeotropos) - Cambios interactivos de los valores sobre el grafico ...
SDES - Simulador de destilaciones
1.9.2 downloadSDES - Simulador de distilaciones de mezclas binarias de 1 a 6 etapas consecutivas usando la ecuacion de Rayleigh - Volatilidad relativa o tablas de equilibrio liquido vapor - Graficas y ...
Office Programming Helper Indent VB Code
3.6.1 downloadIndent VBA code, add line numbers, error handler, number to words and expose some .NET functions and to Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point macros writers and Access VBA code Using this ...
2021.2.2 downloadACD/ChemSketch Freeware is a popular and comprehensive chemical drawing package, intended for home and educational use only. Since 1998, ACD/Labs has provided ChemSketch freeware to >330 academic institutions worldwide. Every day ...
Unit Converter Pro
3.1 download... Calorific Value, Concentration - Liquid Solution, Concentration - Molar, Density, Digital Image Resolution, Entropy, EU Currency, Flow - Mass, Flow - Molar, Frequency Wavelength, Fuel Efficiency, Heat Capacity, Heat Flux
3.11 download... or antigenic profile of a protein Obtaining the molar absorption coefficient and E0.1% of a nucleic acid or a protein Obtaining the nucleotide or amino acid composition of a nucleic ...
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-A
2.4.50 downloadUnitConvertor-A is a professional and comprehensive unit-convert computer program. It has very useful interface that is quick in action, easy to use and other distinctive features. UnitConvertor-A embraces 783 kinds of ...
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-B
2.5.50 download... Solution, Data Transfer, Flow - Mass, Flow - Molar, Mass Flux Density, Moment of Force, Moment of Inertia, Numbers, Permeability, Prefixes, Specific Volume, Surface Tension, Typography, Velocity - Angular, Viscosity ...