complex number downloads
Number Press
9.0.1 downloadNumber Press by Praeter Software is a versatile and robust numbering software designed to cater to the diverse needs ... shops, and individuals who require efficient and precise numbering solutions. This software stands out for its user-friendly ...
Complex Shift Schedules for 25 People
6.72 download... trial period restrictions apply with respect to the number of schedules displayed. Spreadsheets for other scheduling applications are available at the website. ...
SharePoint Document Number Generator
2.3.730.0 download... harness the full power of SharePoint. BoostSolutions Document Number Generator Automatically generate unique numbers or names for documents in SharePoint library and ... for a tool to auto generate a unique number or name for your document on SharePoint? SharePoint ...
CMATH for Delphi
8.3 download... Delphi is a useful and comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics, both in cartesian and in ... to the compiled or inline code of available complex C++ class libraries). Only for the most simple ...
CMATH for Lazarus / FreePascal
8.0.1 downloadCMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH ... unit UComplex as well as for other available complex class libraries: 1. High-performance implementation in machine code ...
CMATH for C++ Builder
8.0.1 downloadCMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for other available complex class libraries: 1. High-performance implementation in machine code ... enhanced. 3. Each of the floating-point accuracies (complex(float), complex(double), and complex(extended)) is given its own, individually optimized ...
CMATH for Visual C++
8.0.1 downloadCMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for other available complex class libraries: 1. High-performance implementation in machine code ... enhanced. 3. Each of the floating-point accuracies (complex(float), complex(double), and complex(extended)) is given its own, individually optimized ...
CMATH for Delphi
8.0.1 downloadCMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for the unit Complex coming with Delphi: 1. High-performance implementation in machine ... enhanced. 3. Each of the floating-point accuracies (complex(float), complex(double), and complex(extended)) is given its own, individually optimized ...
OptiVec for Visual C++
8.1.3 download... with over 4000 vector and matrix functions, and complex-number math routines. OptiVec contains the fully vectorized forms ... of C/C++/Pascal/Delphi for all integer and floating-point (including complex) data types, plus many other real and complex ...
Swift To-Do List
11.5 downloadNumber one to-do list software for Windows suitable for ... tree with icons - Subtasks support, break down complex tasks into small action steps - Zero learning time, superbly intuitive and ...
CalcNote downloadCalculator for simple and complex multi-step calculations using numbers, constants and complex numbers; like in MathCad, only for free; full compatibility ... math and trigonometric functions; support for an arbitrary number with Latin, Greek and Cyrillic names; support for ...
Numara Calculator
5.8.1 download... of computational needs, from basic arithmetic to more complex mathematical operations. This open-source calculator stands out for ... calculator. Whether you're performing basic arithmetic or tackling complex equations, Numara Calculator is equipped to handle the ...
Equation graph plotter - EqPlot
1.3.66 downloadEqPlot plots 2D graphs from complex equations. The application comprises algebraic, trigonometric, hyperbolic and ... to graphically review equations, by putting a large number of equations at their fingertips. Up to ten ...
WWWQuickCheck download... However, occasionally things happen and somewhere along the complex communication path - something will get snagged. You ... Service which can be configured to monitor any number of web sites. This application is very simple ...
VAT Validation
2025-01-07 download... designed to streamline the process of verifying VAT numbers across various European entities. This software stands out ... existing ERP systems, providing instantaneous validation of VAT numbers against the European Commission's VIES database. This ensures ...
ThGMaths download... can easily used with MS Word. Matrices Calculation, Complex Calculation, Defining variables everything is included in ThGMaths. In this way you will have access of your information in all programs ...
HoubySoft Calculator GUI for Linux
5.1 download... and adaptive calculator designed with a very large number of functions and capabilities such as graphing (2D, 3D, parametric, slope fields...), support for complex numbers, statistics, boxplots, vectors, logic operations, strings, lists, ...
5.6.1 download... and visualization tools. A high-level framework supports complex model design, while end-user tools make it possible ... use and redistribute. The Ascape distribution includes a number of other Open Source libraries; please see the ...
Ascape for Mac OS X
5.6.1 download... and visualization tools. A high-level framework supports complex model design, while end-user tools make it possible ... use and redistribute. The Ascape distribution includes a number of other Open Source libraries; please see the ...
Bible-Discovery for Mac OS X
9.6.0 download... understand the texts in original language. · Strong's numbers for the original Greek (TR) Bible. (Strong's number: etyma of the words in the original text sorted alphabetically, numbered) · Strong's numbers for the English Bible translated ...
Bible-Discovery for Linux
9.6.0 download... understand the texts in original language. · Strong's numbers for the original Greek (TR) Bible. (Strong's number: etyma of the words in the original text sorted alphabetically, numbered) · Strong's numbers for the English Bible translated ...
0.10 download... programming language offers many features useful for tackling complex scientific computing problems: inheritance, polymorphism, generic programming, and operator overloading are some of the most important. Unfortunately, these advanced features came ...
PSP 85
1.1.1 download... programs. FEATURES: * predelay for creating complex rhythmic patterns, * delay line output panning, * delay gating offering extended control over number of echoes and their level, * automatic ducking ...
PSP 85 for Mac OS X
1.1.1 download... programs. FEATURES: * predelay for creating complex rhythmic patterns, * delay line output panning, * delay gating offering extended control over number of echoes and their level, * automatic ducking ...
SquidNet Network Distribution Processor
3.21 download... memory and network traffic monitors. · Specify the number of network nodes that a job will use. · Automatic restart of job slices if their processing times exceed a specific ...