change file attributes downloads
Better File Attributes
2.0 downloadBetter File Attributes is Windows Explorer enhancement that allows file dates to be changed at will. It can manipulate entire file hierarchies. ...
File Renamer downloadFile Renamer - Rename all your files, folders and shortcuts, with all shapes and options you will ever need. You can numerate files sequentially, batch rename, replace strings, modify strings, change ...
Sprintbit File Manager
4.4 downloadSprintbit File Manager for Windows XP/Vista/7 (all systems 32-64 bit) ... a fully featured application for viewing and managing files on your or network computer. You can perform all standard file operations like copying, moving, renaming, deleting, creating folders, ...
Change Outlook MSG to PDF
4.2.1 downloadWaiting for getting a chance to change Outlook MSG to PDF in bulk with entire ... as this tool is designed with lots of attributes that provide you the smooth & flawless process ...
IW File Properties Changer
1.84 downloadFile Properties Changer is an application designed to change properties of files, file attributes, file name extensions and a name of a file. Program can set the date and time that ...
Freeware OST File Viewer
5.0 downloadFreeware OST file viewer offers the feature to open, view and read OST files. It offers the feature to read emails, contacts, ... The user can also play audio or video files directly from the software interface. Freeware OST file ...
MS PowerPoint File Properties Changer
3.16 downloadMS PowerPoint File Properties Changer is an application that will help you to view and change the Microsoft Office PowerPoint File properties such as summary information, file date-time stamps and file attributes. You can view ...
MS Word Document File Properties Changer
3.16 downloadMS Word Document File Properties Changer is an application that will help you to view and modify the Microsoft Office Word document file properties such as summary information, file date-time stamps ...
Photoshop Change Font In Text Layers Of Multiple Files Software
7.0 download... offers a solution to users who want to change the font of text layers in one or more PSD files. The user adds the file/s or an entire folder for processing and selects ...
MS Excel File Properties Changer
3.16 downloadMS Excel File Properties Changer is an application that will help you to view and change the Microsoft Office Excel file properties such as summary information, file date-time stamps and file attributes. You can view ...
Basic File Modifier
1.1 download... variety of ways to batch modify and handle files of any type: Correct name and rename, customize date, change attributes, sort and much more. The primary function of Basic File Modifier is to modify the basic properties, which ...
UltraFileSearch Std downloadFile Search Utility which is able to quickly find Files, Folders and Text on your Local, Network, DVD, ... Flash Drives. It allows you to specify several File Names and multiple Drives and/or Folders at the ...
UltraFileSearch Std Portable downloadFile Search Utility which is able to quickly find Files, Folders and Text on your Local, Network, DVD, ... Flash Drives. It allows you to specify several File Names and multiple Drives and/or Folders at the ...
AttributeMagic Free!
2.4 download... Free! - freeware utility to view and modify file-folder date/time and attributes: creation date, last access date, modify date and attributes. Utility can change name and extension of files and folders. Unicode ...
AttributeMagic Standard
2.5 downloadAdvanced utility change file/folder date-time stamps and attributes. You can modify modification, creation and last accessed date-time stamps of files and folders. AttributeMagic Standard can copy, shift and mask date-time stamps, extract date-time information from the file name. AttributeMagic can rename files and folders with ...
1.73 download... a small utility that allows you to create files list from multiple folders, and then make some action on them - Modify their created/modified/accessed time, change their file attribute (Read Only, Hidden, System), run ...
2024.05.018 downloadFileAnt is a File Manager (like explorer) on tabs, it is also ... pie charts, and a viewer for commonly used file formats. It now loads almost instantly, uses very ... multi-threaded(you can keep browsing while downloading lots of files). The Pie Chart features 2D telescopic browsing. Advanced ...
FDTU downloadUpdating of date and time of creation, change and opening of the chosen group of files and folders. Can be useful for the programs determining an order (priority) of work with files by their freshness. Use: to determine necessary system ...
Portable NexusFile
5.4.1 downloadNexusFile is a powerful and fast file manager that allows you to browse through the ... integrated utilities that let you go beyond just file browsing and exploring such as a file extractor ...
Disk Order
5.22 downloadDisk Order proffesional and safety file managment software Program features: FTP client - uploading, ... Firewall and so on. preview and manage all files on your computer, List and Tree view, preview ...
Migrate MS Access To MySQL download... Access to MySQL DB transformation application does not change the structure of database table during conversion from ... to MySQL server. Microsoft Access to MySQL DB file migration software supports null value, default value, primary ...
Operation Center 2024 Premium
17.6 downloadOperation Center is a file manager with two file windows and a file preview. Also included are ZIP and FTP support, ... processors in a special mode. Copy and move files and folders via drag and drop. Change file ...
1.60b3 downloadLightweight file manager that enables you to perform basic operations, such as copying, moving, deleting or renaming files. Features Two file lists with supporting drag and drop operations Copy, ...
AttributeMagic Pro
3.5.4 downloadAdvanced utility to change date/time stamps, attributes of files-folders, JPEG-EXIF images, MS Office (DOC, XLS, PPT, DOCX, ... properties and metadata. Utility can set and reset attributes, copy and flexible manipulate date-time stamps, insert date-time ...
AttributeMagic for Documents
2.1 downloadAdvanced utility to change date/time stamps, metadata in MS Office (DOC, XLS, PPT) documents. Utility can set and reset attributes, copy and flexible manipulate date-time stamps, insert date-time information into file name, rename files, change files extensions, print folder ...