change file dates downloads

Change File Timestamp

3.0.3 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

Change File Date

3.0.4 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

File Renamer download

File Renamer - Rename all your files, folders and shortcuts, with all shapes and options you will ever need. You can numerate files sequentially, batch rename, replace strings, modify strings, change ...

File Date

1.1 download

Filedate FileDate offers a date picker to change the date (last written/modified). The time (of day) ... the original date/time stamp, and remains unchanged. FileDate expects one(!) file as command argument, and is ...

File Date Change

3.0.4 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

File Date Modified

3.0.3 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

File Creation Modified Date

3.0.4 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

Change Thunderbird Email into Outlook

6.5 download

... now become easier and simpler with our wonderful Change Thunderbird Email into Outlook converter. Using the smart ... or Apple mail email client to MS Outlook file format. while the working with this tool user ...

File Time Browser

1.0 download

File Time Browser is easy to use utility which allows you to 'browse' files by their times of creation, last write or ... click on Reload button. Program searches for all files in specified directory (and optionally all subdirectories) and ...

Better File Attributes

2.0 download

Better File Attributes is Windows Explorer enhancement that allows file dates to be changed at will. It can manipulate entire file hierarchies. ...

FMS File Date Changer

3.0.8 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

FMS File Date Changer

3.0.4 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

Modify File Date

3.0.3 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

Better File Rename

6.27 download

Better File Rename 6 is a comprehensive batch file renamer that transforms the tedious and time-consuming task of changing multiple file names into a simple matter of seconds. The ... for adding or changing embedded sequence numbers, inserting file creation and modification dates, etc. Digital photographers will ...

Quick File Renamer

4.5 download

A simple and safe file renaming solution for everyone. Rename your photo collection ... metadata in your digital photography. Simply browse for files, use our wildcard search, or drag and drop ... app! Renaming is fast and you see your changes as you type. Simple Mode allows you to ...

Files Last Accessed

3.0.3 download

File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, ...

AttributeMagic Standard

2.5 download

Advanced utility change file/folder date-time stamps and attributes. You can modify modification, creation and last accessed date-time stamps of files and folders. AttributeMagic Standard can copy, shift and mask date-time stamps, extract date-time information from the file name. AttributeMagic can rename files and folders with ...

TouchPro x64

1.05 download

... utility designed to give users precise control over file and folder timestamps on Windows systems. This software ... to modify the creation, modification, and last access dates of files and directories with ease. One ...


2024.05.018 download

FileAnt is a File Manager (like explorer) on tabs, it is also ... pie charts, and a viewer for commonly used file formats. It now loads almost instantly, uses very ... multi-threaded(you can keep browsing while downloading lots of files). The Pie Chart features 2D telescopic browsing. Advanced ...

Batch MMedia Date Changer

1.90 download

... you replaced the camera batteries and forgot to change the camera clock to the current date and ... when you go back and checked, all the dates and or time are wrong. Arrgh! Ive been ...


2.6 download

Hexplorer is a hexadecimal file editor that will offer many features: * ... and export to 20 different formats of binary files, including Intel Hex, Motorola S-Record, Atmel standard etc. ... to automate tasks * Encrypts data * Recognizes file types * Shows statistical information about byte occurence ...


1.0c download

With BriefAudit, every user can easily see document changes history. It selects files modifications events keeping only the essential informations: Date and time of file modification, Modifier's identification into comments area = file ...

Keyboard Monitor Software download

... password protected software that prevents unauthorized user to change its configuration settings. Program records previously typed text ... Easily search and navigate through logs for various dates. * Records all lost information such as email ...

Personal Renamer download

Renames files just about any way you like. Monitor folders for files and auto rename(Have program rename images when downloaded). Undo, Save settings, Imageview, Drag-drop, and more. File Management made easy. Very good for those pesky ...


1.4.0 download

Explorer++ is a free multi-tab file manager for Windows. Available on Windows XP and ... several enhancements and improvements for a much richer file browsing experience. Features: With the option ...