tmssoftware in Delphi downloads

THTMLTreeView download

A treeview with HTML formatting capabilities, radiobutton and checkbox capability.Checkboxes and radiobuttons support various looks, from standard, flat, Borland style to Windows XP visual styles. Supports a subset of the HTML ...

TDBHTMLabel download

A DB-aware label with full mini-HTML formatting capabilities that can be linked to multiple DB fields with DB-aware design time HTML editor. Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags. Included ...

TAdvMenus download

* Easy replacement for the standard Borland TMainMenu and TPopupMenu components * Highly configurable appearance for MainMenu and PopupMenu * Can emulate Office XP, Office 2003 menu appearance * Automatic XP ...

TAdvAlertWindow download

* Outlook 2003, 2007 style alert window * Supports the TMS mini HTML formatting capabilities * Extensive control over appearance * Can show multiple messages with easy navigation between messages * ...

TAdvCardList download

* Extensive & fully customizable card appearance control * Card inplace editing with various inplace editor types * Card sorting & filtering * Card style controller for easy appearance setup * ...

TAdvOfficeImage download

Small image component that can display PNG, GIF, JPEG, ICO, WMF, BMP images, including PNG images with alpha transparency. This product is also available in TMS Component Pack. ...

TAdvOfficeStatusBar download

- Statusbar with Office 2013 / Office 2010 / Office 2007 / Office 2003 color styles - Support for mini HTML formatted text in panels, including capability to add hyperlinks, images ...

TAdvPicture download

Very small component, yet can display BMP,ICO,WMF,EMF,JPEG,GIF and animated GIF files in various styles. No other libraries required. This product is also available in TMS Component Pack. ...

TAdvSmoothComboBox download

- Combobox items can have Caption, Info text as well as HTML formatted notes with hyperlink & image support - Combobox items can have checkbox, radiobutton, image, detailimage,... - Dropdown header ...

TAdvProgressBar download

* Progressbar with level dependent color & stacked multicolor display * Configurable levels * Smooth & blocked display with gradients * Various ways to display progress as a number * Infinite ...

TAdvReflectionImage download

* Image with built-in automatic reflection display * Support for PNG, BMP, GIF, JPEG images * Configurable reflection effect * Office 2007 style hint support * Can save generated reflection in ...

TAdvShaper download

Easy to use component that turns any form into the shape of a complex shaped bitmap with very fast algorithm. As simple as loading the bitmap and setting the mask color ...

TAdvSmartMessageBox download

* Show informative messages without interrupting users * Messages can appear for minimum duration after which messages automatically disappear by keyboard & mouse events * Messages can show HTML formatted text ...

THintListBox download

Listbox component which shows items in a listbox which do not fit horizontally in the listbox as hints when mouse is moved over. This product is also available in TMS Component ...

THotSpotImage download

* Hotspots can be rectangle, ellipsis, polygon or rotated rectangles, rotated ellipsis * Hotspot handling for hovering, hints, click, double clicks * Includes design time hotspot editor with magic wand tool ...

TAniIcon download

Component for displaying .ANI files on a form and using animated cursors in applications. Accepts Windows 95, 98, ME and Windows NT,2000,XP animated cursor files. Saves ANI files in .EXE file. ...

TImagePicker download

A dropdown image selector. Selects items from an image list with possibility to display text with the image in dropdown. The dropdown list supports various styles, including flat, etched, with focus ...

TPickDialog download

TPickDialog behaves like a popup listbox from which you select items. Returns selected item or items in a property. Provides a fast and easy way to let users select from a ...

TRTFLabel download

RTFLabel is a label that has the full rich text capabilities. Rich text can be edited at design time using a built-in rich text property editor. ...

TShader download

TPanel descendant component with transient between two colors, ideal as background for a form. ...

TThumbnailList download

* A thumbnail list component to display thumbnails of BMP, ICO,WMF,EMF,JPEG and GIF files * Can have vertical or horizontal style * Thumbnails can be buffered. * ShowFolder method to automatically ...


1.1 download

Component for displaying bitmap patterns tiled. Can be used to create tiled bitmap form backgrounds. ...

TDBAdvGlowNavigator download

*Extended DBNavigator component with glyphs states, included automatic glyph shade generation * Office 2007 style buttons * Normal, hot and disabled glyphs used with optional automatic disabled/down glyph generation * Normal, ...

TAdvFocusHelper download

* Mac OS-X style focus indication * One single component, no code required * Customizable focus color, blur, size * Optional additional focus indicator image * Single component can handle focus ...

TAdvOfficeTabSet download

* Office 2007 / Office 2003 style tabset * Office 2007 / Office 2003 style tabset for tabbed MDI applications * close button on tab or separate close button * support ...