heat downloads
Unit Converter Pro
3.1 download... Mass, Flow - Molar, Frequency Wavelength, Fuel Efficiency, Heat Capacity, Heat Flux Density, Heat Transfer Coefficient, HVAC Efficiency, Chemical - Henry's Law, Illumination, Illumination - Luminous Intensity, Latent Heat, Luminance, Mass Flux Density, Moment of Inertia, Permeability, ...
Engineer General Tools
1.2 download... Maths - Areas, Volumes Decanters Pipes Distillation Hydrostatics Heat Transfer,Exchangers Vessel Design subjected to combine loading Unit ... ENERGY UNITS ENTHALPY UNITS FORCE UNITS FREQUENCY UNITS HEAT FLUX UNITS HEAT FLUX UNITS HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT ...
Chemical Data
2.9 download... Gas Name,Density(kg/m^3),Melting Point C,Boiling Point C,Thermal Conductivity (W/mK),Specific Heat Capacity (KJ/KgK),Specific Heat Cv (KJ/kgK) Steam Tables Pressure Periodic Table (118) ... Volume (cm^3 mol),Crystal Structure,Electrical Conductivity (mho cm), Specific Heat (J/gK),Heat of Fusion (kJ/mol),Heat of Vaporization (kJ/mol),Thermal Conductivity ...
3.7.0 download... mass basis Enthalpy - volume basis Entropy Force Heat Capacity Heat Flux Heat Rate Heat Transfer Coefficient Industrial Weight Per Area Units Luminous ...
1.8.5 download... * Phase compressibility factors * Mixture densities * Heats of Vaporization * Mixture heat capacities * Phase enthalpy/entropy * Mixture viscosity/thermal conductivity * Mixture heat capacity ratio * Mixture Joule-Thompson coefficient * Sonic ...
Gas Sonic Velocity Calculator download... contain the following 51 gases and their specific heat ratio along with their molecular weights for quick ... the selection box and enter your own Specific heats ratio or alternatively enter the Specific heat ratio ...
LMTD Calculator
1.1 download... Temperature Difference. This term is commonly used in heat exchangers and mainly is the deriving force in heat exchangers. This calculator allows you to calculate the ...
1.11.2 download... DOS and partial-DOS Phonon thermal properties, free energy, heat capacity, and entropy Thermal expansion and heat capacity at constant pressure within quasi-harmonic approximation (phonopy-qha) ...
Piping Hydraulics
2 download... flowrate and piping geometry including possible loss/gain of heat to the ambient. Piping/pipeline can be surrounded by ... etc., calculation. Piping can be supplied with external heat source (steam or electric tracing). It also allows ...
Industrial Barcode Creator Tool download... and direct thermal printers. Thermal transfer printers use heat to transfer ink from a ribbon to the label, while direct thermal printers use heat-sensitive paper to print the label. Both types of ...
3D Buggy Tug
1.3 download... rules, use some explosives when neurons begin to heat under the effect of adrenaline. It is all about helping a courageous little Warehouse Attendant who heartily tries to store the ...
Nuclear Power Plant Simulator
1.30 download... reactor, the primary and secondary cooling loops, the heat exchanger, turbine, generator and cooling tower. In the game you have a general purpose CRT screen showing all vital statistics as ...
The Business Card Book, in HTML
2002 download... card is expected to locate customers like a heat-seeking missile, then impress the dickens out of them so they hurry on down and deposit their money in your hands. At ...
BCGSuite for MFC
36.0 download... also includes advanced data visualization tools, such as heat maps and treemaps, which can help users gain deeper insights from their data. The grid control in BCGSuite for MFC ...
1.6.1 download... as vapor pressure, densities, viscosities, thermal conductivities, and heat capacities. The temperature dependent properties can be viewed in a tabular or graphical format. In addition, if your particular compound ...
1.2.6 download... Conversion Tool (lb/hr, m/s >- ACFM, SCFM, etc.) Heat Capacity Ratio Calculation Tool (for real vapor/gases) Pipe Fitting Loss Calculation Tool (based on the superior 2-K Method) ANSI/ASTM and ISO/DIN ...
2.0.2 download... manager: · Calculate mash steps for infusions, direct heat, and decoction Recipe printing: · Print simple or detailed recipe reports from your web browser, and save reports as text ...
Weather Station Data Logger download... setups for different kinds of weather -- storms, heat waves and so on. Data processing on the raw console data yields the following additional information: * 15-minute rate ...
8.4.5 download... even a village. They can then analyze solar heating of their structures using a helidon that can dynamically generate radiation heat maps. Energy3D allows students to "print ...
Pickup Racing Madness
1.92 download... powerful pickups, which are not afraid of desert heat and cold glaciers. Why do you need the roads if you have the means of transport to move around without them? ...
Eudora to Outlook Express
2.1 download... in Outlook Express easily. Administrators often face the heat of the situation when they have to migrate from Eudora to Outlook due to organization model change. Unfortunately, there is no ...
Cloud Backup Robot
1.0 download... focus is being shifted towards lower voltages, lower heat and more optimization on all levels, which, theoretically, should result in improved efficiency across the entire range of devices inside our ...
2.423 download... Ultimate Antivirus 2008, UpdateSearches.com, UnVirex, Virtual Maid, Virus Heat, Virus Protect, Virus Protect Pro, VirusBlast, VirusBurst, VirusRay, Virus Remover 2008, Virus Shield, VirusResponse Lab 2009, VirusTrigger, Win32.puper, WinHound, WinPC Defender, ...
Relief valve sizing calculator download... also calculate the rate of vaporization, the total heat absorption and the total wetted area. Calculations support both vertical, horizontal and spherical vessel orientation. ...
3.1 downloadQuick Maps is an intuitive CRM mapping plugin which helps your sales team to achieve their sales targets more easily. They can plan their client meetings easily with their help. ...