screensaver freeware downloads

Desktop Destroyer

2.11 download

Blow Up Your Desktop in 3D! This 3D screen saver takes a snapshot of your desktop and projects it into a 3D world, where it is dissected into an arbitrary number ...

Gautama doing extremes ascetical

2.0 download

If you tighten the string too tight it will snap, but if it is too loose it will not play. From this, he realised that he would have to take a ...

Gautama in the Mystical Realms

2.0 download

Buddhafield is an energy field in which a Buddha matures beings, a pure land, an unworldly world, a paradise on earth, which offers ideal conditions for rapid spiritual growth. A buddhafield ...

Siddharta meditate in the celestine lake

2.0 download

Buddha has said that when a man has reached the climax of meditation, compassion showers from him. Just as when you light a candle light starts spreading all around and darkness ...

Ksitigarbha saving all hell beings

2.0 download

Hell is not somewhere in the future, neither is heaven. Each act carries its own heaven or hell. Remain balanced and you are in heaven; become unbalanced and a hell is ...

Quan Yin riding the Holy Dragon

2.0 download

Quan Yin's name is a translation of the Sanskrit name of her chief progenitor which is Avalokitesvara, also known as Avalokita. In its proper form it is Kuanshih Yin, which means ...

Yaochi Jinmu (Queen Mother of the West)

2.0 download

Yaochi Jinmu is called “the Original Breath of the Great Yin” and “Mother of All Creatures,” whose life spans she determines. She gives life, causes and cures diseases, and imparts mystic ...

Yaochi Jinmu at the Peach Garden

2.0 download

Yaochi Jinmu, whose name is usually rendered as "queen mother of the west," appeared in the earliest stages of Chinese mythology and was a focus of intense religious devotion during the ...

TheBlu for Mac

2.1.2 download

Inspired by the Oceans, theBlu is a socially-connected, global interactive app. Each time you participate, your interactions and connections impact the flow of life in theBlu and everyone's experience of it. ...

Cat Licking Screen Cleaner Screen Saver

2.0 download

This cute little kitten try's to lick your screen clean as a screen saver. You can turn off the sound in the windows screen saver options if you prefer the kitten ...

Reallusion iClone EX Edition (German)

3.2 download

iClone3 EX is the free trial edition of iClone3 PRO, which includes the full PRO features for 30 days and unlimited features of iClone Standard with no expiration. iClone3 EX contains ...

Solar System 3D

1.1 download

3D model of our Solar system. 9 planets revolve around the sun. Close view of each planet with short information. Enjoy your virtual space travelling. ...

Xanorama Panoramic Photo Screen Saver

2.0 download

Xanorama Screen Saver displays a random panoramic photo (several are included, such as Paris by Night) whenever your computer is idle and slowly scrolls to display the full image. Options include ...

XClock Digital Clock Screen Saver

2.0 download

XClock displays a very large glowing digital time display when your computer is idle. Advantages of this screen saver include optional flashing time separator (for each second) and slow movement around ...

Desktop Settings

1.03 download

... the desktop wallpaper and set and run the screensaver. The component is very simple-in-use and all you need is to use the component's public properties. Desktop Settings suite includes demo ...

Golden Nature Animated Wallpaper

1.0 download

... of life. Embrace an environment of tranquility. This screensaver is special to relax at any time. * 4 Beautiful Scenes. * High Quality Image and Effects. * Realistic animation. * ...

cpcc - cross platform C++ classes

0.65 download

... class - allows manipulation of file paths a screensaver interface class a persistent settings class (similar to INI files) a portable color class a window class with simple drawing functions ...

„Old Polish Clock” Screen Saver

3.0 download

Our model is a replica from the turning point of XIX and XX century. The screen saver has been developed in three-dimensional technology (3D). You could download it from this page ...

Picture Cube 3D

1.12 download

Show off your favorite photographs on a spinning 3D picture cube. You can even add music to play along while showing your photos. Use your digital camera images to create a ...


1.8.1 download

gPhotoShow is an easy to use screen saver that turns your favorite image files into a unique personal Screen Saver slideshow, complete with transition effects. gPhotoShow is ideal for displaying your ...

Dolomites Screen Saver

1.1 download

Screen Saver with original,astonishing photos of Dolomites. Wonderful landscapes of italian mountains. The screen saver has smooth transition effects and other user selectable options. ...

Snow of Winter Screen Saver

1.1 download

Screen Saver with Original Winter pictures. Snow, ice, mountains and other winter scenes. The screen saver has smooth transition effects and other user selectable options. ...

Tranquillity Sky Screen Saver

1.1 download

Screen Saver with original astonishing photos of Skies and Clouds complete with transition effects and user selectable options. Images can also be set as desktop wallpapers. Relax and get great pleasure ...

Fire In The Sky Screen Saver

1.1 download

Screen Saver with original astonishing photos of Sunsets and Burning Skies complete with transition effects and user customizable options. Images can also be set as desktop wallpapers. ...

Sim Aquarium 3D

3.8.68 download

Sim Aquarium brings the Experience the most realistic coral reef you'll find without having to purchase an actual aquarium. Sim Aquarium lets you choose among twelve intricately detailed 3D underwater scenes. ...