screensaver freeware downloads
Sim Aquarium FREE!
3.8.68 downloadSim Aquarium brings the Experience the most realistic coral reef you'll find without having to purchase an actual aquarium. Sim Aquarium lets you choose among twelve intricately detailed 3D underwater scenes. ...
Fantastic Ocean 3D Lite
1.5 downloadFantastic Ocean 3D takes you on a peaceful flight over the ocean, which is carefully recreated in true 3D. The effect is magical. It looks as if you were gliding on ...
365 Money Minutes
1.0 downloadThe 365 Money Minutes screen saver features hundreds of enlightening quotes from financial gurus such as Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Charles Schwab and many more! Be inspired for hours on end ...
Easy 3D Creator
3.0 Freeware downloadWith Easy 3D Creator you can create stunning 3D screen savers in a few minutes with no programming. All you need is to set some parameters that determine your screen saver's ...
Sathya Sai Baba enjoying garden view
2.0 downloadHigher and higher than all ordinary ones are another set of teachers, the Avatars of Ishwar, They are Teachers of all teachers the highest manifestations of God. ...
Sathya Sai Baba Tratak
2.0 downloadWhen you look at me, suddenly there is a little light inside. You listen to me, you become attentive. When you become attentive your third eye becomes focused. There are thousands ...
Super Red Arowana
2.0 downloadSuper Red Arowana, from the folk tale story, this typical fish can bring fortune or good luck to anyone who take cares of it. ...
Avatar Krishna playing divine flute
2.0 downloadLord Krishna exhibits His transcendental from as the greatest of dancers as He entered the forest of Vrndavan, beautifying it with the marks of His footprints, He filled the holes of ...
Spiritual Robot With Relax Music
2.0 downloadWhat a surprise act, this robot really has a spiritual urge inside. Maybe he realize that in the mortal world, nothing is permanent, everything is in the state of dying (getting ...
Real Face of Jesus by Sai Baba
2.0 downloadJesus Christ, how humble, how very human.... Later many people would be drawn to him because of the miracles he performed. But his real miracle was his 'humanity'. ...
Spring Flowers #2 Screen Saver
1.0 downloadScreen Saver with astonishing, original photos of Spring Flowers. Close-up photos of flowers found in italian gardens and mountains. The screen saver has smooth transition effects and other user selectable options. ...
Borobudur, The Giant Buddhist Mandala
2.0 downloadBorobudur is built as a single large stupa, and when viewed from above takes the form of a giant tantric Buddhist mandala, simultaneously representing the Buddhist cosmology and the nature of ...
Lord Shiva meditating at the Waterfall
2.0 downloadLord Shiva appears in a meditating but ever-happy posture. He has matted hair which holds the flowing Ganges river and a crescent moon, a serpent coiled around his neck, a trident ...
Lord Shiva at the Mount Kailash
2.0 downloadKailash is the Himalaya of heaven. Blissful kailash... Thousands of people have become Buddhas from those spots. They have left a vacuum there, a very alive vacuum, and so powerful that ...
Sathya Sai Baba - Melodious Mountain
2.0 downloadSilence is the speech of the spiritual seeker. Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine love. Love sings lullabies. It soothes. It applies balm. Practice the vocabulary of love; unlearn ...
Jesus, Baptize with Inner Light
1.0 downloadWater has a Very Important Message for Us. Water is telling us to take a much deeper look at our selves. Water not only absorb subtle light and sound vibrations but ...
Control Screen Saver
1.8.8 downloadControl Screen Saver is an easy to use all-in-one screen saver utility that lets you easily control your screen savers with a simple click of the mouse. You can launch, choose, ...
Saint Agastya,Agathiar, Agasthiar
2.0 downloadIn Hinduism, Agastya also transliterated as Agathiar, Agasthiar, Agastyar and in other ways) is a legendary Vedic sage or rishi. He is in some ways regarded as the patron saint of ...
Avatar Babaji in Akashic Record
2.0 downloadAkashic Records are accessible by one and all. It is not a monopoly of the chosen few. Akash or Ether is one of the five elements in the eastern tradition. Akash ...
Amitabha in the Misty Mountain
2.0 downloadAmitābha (Sanskrit : Amitābha; Chinese : Āmítuó Fó; Japanese : Amida Butsu; Korean : Amit'a Bul; Vietnamese : A-di-đ ...
Anand Krishna Tratak
2.0 downloadYou may consider your favorite religious leader as an awakened being and try to access his mind. If his mind is still whole, dense and occupying a different body now, then ...
Anand Krishna Meditating at waterfall
2.0 downloadAnand Krishna, founder of Anand Ashram (Abode of Bliss), was born in Solo city, More than 2.6 million people from Indonesia, India, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and UK have attended his ...
Anandamoyi Ma, Joy Permeated Mother
2.0 downloadDuring her life,Anandamayi Ma means The Joy Permeated Mother attracted thousands of followers who saw her not only as a Guru,but as a manifestation of God or Devi. Swami Sivananda described ...
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of Compassion
2.0 downloadAvalokitesvara, the most loved of all Buddhist deities, is the bodhisattva of infinite compassion and mercy. He is also referred to as; Padmapani - Holder of the Lotus, Lokesvara - Lord ...
Avatar Babaji meditate in Crystal Cave
2.0 downloadAshvathama was not only a great organizer, but also a scientist. The people or Arvasthan called him "The Man", perhaps Adam in their language. He married the daughter of one of ...