Browse Mathematics software downloads

Math Science Quest

1.4 download

Math Science Quest is a fun way to learn the reasoning skills.

Fibonacci Phi Generator

1.0 download

Generate Fibonacci and Tribonacci Sequences based on custom starting values.

IW Random Number Generator

2.18 download

Generate random numbers.

Equation graph plotter - EqPlot

1.3.66 download

EqPlot plots 2D graphs from complex equations.

Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-A

2.4.50 download

Professional and comprehensive unit-converter for Windows

Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-B

2.5.50 download

Fluid and Engineering unit-converter for Windows

Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-C

2.6.51 download

Electricity, Magnetism and Sound unit-converter for Windows

New Version

Automaton Lab 3D Quantum

1.0 download

Visualization of quantum hierarchical 3-dimensional curves


4.4.4 download

Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL.

Quantum Hulls

1.0 download

Visualization of the polyhedra which have an integral number of vertices

Free Learn Addition on Orbital One

1.0 download

Learn basic addition in 3D on Orbital One space station. Also includes 27 tests


1.3.1a download

Simple LP Solver can solve large size linear programming problems efficiently.

Fractions and Smart Pirates Free

1.1 download

Fun and easy way to learn fractions for 3rd 4th grade with the Caribbean Pirates

iNMR for Mac OS X

7.0.4 download

A lightweight and user-friendly application

Roll the Dice

1.0 download

This fun application can render from 1 up to 12 dice on your screen.

Rlab for Linux

2.1.05 download

Rlab is an interactive, interpreted scientific programming environment

Statistics Pro

1.0 download

Calculation tool to help students do their homework in Stats and Discrete Math

GMZ2 Generador de Problemas Matematicas

1.25.0 download

GMZ2 Generador de problemas de Matematicas para Windows

Goldie's Game- TMA36

26Jul09 download

Presents adding and subtracting problems a term at a time. Gives help.


2.6 download

Convert between different measuring units

Group Explorer for Mac OS X download

Displays Cayley diagrams, multiplication tables, cycle graphs, and objects

5 award

Automaton Lab 3D

1.0 download

Visualization of hierarchical 3-dimensional curves


1.1 download

Statistical analysis, fitting and visualization of multi-parameter data sets.

Fotoview Graphing

2.1 download

An easy to use program for drawing graphs of mathematical functions.

PTC Mathcad Express

3.1 download

PTC Mathcad Express is free-for-life engineering math software