Browse Mathematics software downloads
2.1.1 downloadPlotDigitizer is Data Extraction tool that allows users to quickly extract data
6.7 downloadA nonlinear curve fitting program: Lorentzian, Sine, Power, Exponential series
AcaStat Mac
10.5.2 downloadInexpensive and easy-to-use statistical tool. Mac and Windows.
3D Geometrical Objects
1.4 downloadRepresents prisms and pyramids in 3D space. Supports interactive 3D animation.
1.6.1 downloadYACAS is an easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System
FreeMat for Windows
4.2 downloadEnvironment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing
2.13 downloadGrafEq provides easy, quick, and uniquely reliable equation graphing technology.
2.30 downloadDraws multiple histograms and XY plots of tabular data from a text file.
Desktop calculator - DesktopCalc
2.1.60 downloadDesktopCalc is an enhanced, easy-to-use and powerful scientific calculator
admaDIC Calculator
1.2.1 downloadThe platform independent and visually optimized solution for your calculations
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-C
2.6.51 downloadElectricity, Magnetism and Sound unit-converter for Windows
FreeMat for Linux
4.2 downloadEnvironment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing
wxMaxima for Windows
19.09.1 downloadwxMaxima is a document based interface for the computer algebra system Maxima
Multiprecision calculator
1.2 downloadMultiprecision calculator with definition of functions and variables.
1.1 downloadMadCalc is a full featured graphing calculator application for Windows.
1.2.1 downloadCalculPro to practise mental arithmetic’s or fractions.
MathMod for Mac OS X
11.1 downloadRequired tools to animate and visualize parametric and implicit surfaces
5.4 downloadView polyhedra and 4D polytopes, print nets to build paper polyhedron models.
3.1.24 downloadProvides quick access to a Berkeley Spice 3f5 simulator
Sababa Kindergarten Mathematics
1.9 downloadHelp your little one ace the basic kid's education subjects with the help of thi
Math Resource Studio
4.4.2 downloadA powerful, easy-to-use math worksheet generation program.
Math Practice
2.9 downloadTeach addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to your children.