Browse Mathematics software downloads

Prime Number Counter

1.6 download

Prime number counter utility.

Advanced Grapher

2.2 download

Plot and analyze graphs of equations and data

AnEasyCalc download

the math interpreter and analyser, the RTF formula editor, latex generator

Galactic Geometry 3D

1.6 download

Calculate volume and surface area to blast 3D rocks and save your space ship.

Nonlinear regression - CurveFitter

4.5.71 download

CurveFitter performs regression analysis to estimate values of parameters.

New Version


0.8.1 download

Fast, advanced, multi-platform fractal generator

Graph Paper Creator Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who create graph paper using a printer

Nonlinear analysis - DataFitting

1.7.72 download

DataFitting performs regression analysis to estimate values of parameters.

Guzinta Math download

Free Windows and Macintosh desktop lesson apps.

Yorick for Mac OS X download

Yorick is an interpreted programming language for scientific simulations

Wolfram CDF Player

11.3.0 download

Take document viewing to the next level


6.302 download

Robotic Arm Movement program; finds angles ... came from NASA.

Multipurpose calculator - MultiplexCalc

5.4.63 download

MultiplexCalc is a multipurpose and comprehensive desktop calculator for Windows

JXCirrus Maths for Mac

2.0.00 download

Quick and easy maths training application for learning times tables and sums.

AcaStat Win

10.5.2 download

Inexpensive and easy-to-use statistical tool. Mac and Windows.

The R Commander

2.9-2 download

A Basic-Statistics GUI for R

Graphing Calculator 3D for Mac

5.1 download

Plot high quality graphs of math equations and point clouds.

Group Explorer for Linux download

Displays Cayley diagrams, multiplication tables, cycle graphs, and objects

5 award

FreeMat for Mac OS X

4.2 download

Environment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing


5.2.WIN32 download

CALCUL to practise mental arithmetic’s or fractions.


5.05.3 download

A Program for Statistical Analysis and Matrix Algebra

Mental Calculation Training Software

20.07.29 download

practice mental math software,practice mental arithmetic program

Sharky Neural Network

0.9.Beta download

Neural network classification results live view (like a movie). Free software.

Graphing Calculator 3D

5.1 download

Plot high quality graphs of math equations and point clouds.


4.4.2 download

Program for plotting graphs of mathematical functions in a coordinate system.