change file name downloads
MediaCodeSpeedEdit downloadMediaCodeSpeedEdit allows you to change the write speed for your media and to ... already available media code. The new media code name can be entered manually or can be imported ... code renaming will remove the original media code name from the patched firmware, so it is no ...
Rename Multiple Files At Once Software
7.0 download... a solution to users who want to manipulate filenames of many files at once. Users can change filenames and extensions; change case to upper, lower, proper (title) or sentence ... add character/s to beginning, end, or inside of file name by position or by referencing surrounding character/s; ...
Portable NexusFile
5.4.1 downloadNexusFile is a powerful and fast file manager that allows you to browse through the ... integrated utilities that let you go beyond just file browsing and exploring such as a file extractor ...
BestSync download... a professional utility for following solutions 1. Synchronize files by network/USB drive. 2. Synchronize files by FTP server, support FTP/FTPS/SFTP. 3. Synchronize files with WebDAV collection. 4. Synchronize files with Amazon ...
Atlence FileTime Manager
3.2 downloadAtlence FileTime Manager allows you to change the timestamp of files and folders on your computer by a simple ... by automation. The application can also monitor any change in date/time of your files and folders and ...
JPG Rename Multiple Files Based On Date Taken Software
7.0 download... offers a solution to users who want to change the filenames of one or more JPG files. The user simply chooses a list of files or an entire folder to process. There are ...
AttributeMagic for Documents
2.1 downloadAdvanced utility to change date/time stamps, metadata in MS Office (DOC, XLS, ... flexible manipulate date-time stamps, insert date-time information into file name, rename files, change files extensions, print folder contents. Ideal tool ...
Excel Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... offers a solution to users who want to change the filenames in one or more Excel files. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder and choose to rename ...
MS PowerPoint Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... offers a solution to users who want to change the file names based on content of one or more PowerPoint files. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be processed. There ...
1.0.3 Build 1 downloadThe name Mat stands for Mouse Acceleration Toggler. This littele ... a small tool that will allow you to change your mouse acceleration and speed settings via commandline. ... will set the mouse speed. cursor=[path to ani/cur file|Default] This allows you to set a custom mouse ...
4.1.1 downloadFileList is a command line utility providing a list of files of the given path in the CSV format. ... database. The list contains the following information: - file name - file size - file path - ...
Largest Files Finder
1.4 download"Largest Files Finder" is freeware that will find the largest 100 files on your hard drive, or within one or ... subdirectories that you specify. When you start "Largest Files Finder", it automatically scans your hard drive and ...
Last Changed Files
1.4 download"Last Changed Files" is freeware that will find the 100 files you changed most recently, on your hard drive or within ... subdirectories that you specify. When you start "Last Changed Files", it automatically scans your hard drive and ...
AttributeMagic Pro
3.5.4 downloadAdvanced utility to change date/time stamps, attributes of files-folders, JPEG-EXIF images, MS Office (DOC, XLS, PPT, DOCX, ... flexible manipulate date-time stamps, insert date-time information into file name, rename files, change files extensions, print folder ...
Rename From List
1.16 downloadImport delimited or non-delimited file or folder name lists from plain text source files. Rename multiple files or create folders. Imported file names are automatically filtered for illegal characters and path ...
PDF Bulk Rename
3.1.0 download... may need to read a lot of PDF files from different authors. In this case, do you want to change your PDF files' name into a uniform form such as "author ...
Mihov EXIF Renamer
3.0 download... by the program and is added to the file name. This way the photos, even from different cameras and with different file names, get ordered by the time they were taken. ...
16.7.18 downloadDiskPulse is a free and easy-to-use disk change monitoring utility allowing one to monitor one or more disks or directories and detect file creations, modifications, name changes and delete operations in ...
DiskPulse Pro
16.7.18 downloadDiskPulse Pro is a powerful and easy-to-use disk change monitoring utility allowing one to monitor one or more disks or directories and detect file creations, modifications, name changes and delete operations in ...
DiskPulse Server
16.7.18 downloadDiskPulse Server is a powerful and easy-to-use disk change monitoring server allowing one to monitor one or more disks or directories and detect file creations, modifications, name changes and delete operations in ...
Always Watching
2.2 download... you ever needed to know exactly when a file or folder changes on your system? Ever needed to monitor log file changes, watch incoming files on a server or simply wanted to monitor ...
4.45 downloadFilo enables you to edit file and folder properties. Simply drag files and folders from Explorer, drop them onto Filo ... your criteria. Filo can selectively modify thousands of files and folders in a single operation by processing ...
Shift Access to Excel
2.3 downloadNow you can easily change Microsoft Access database to Excel sheet with our ... very helpful to you to Shift Access database file to Excel. Shift Access to Excel utility can easily and Instantly Shift Access file to Excel file with multiple files. Access to ...
Double Commander
0.9.8 B9296 Beta downloadDouble Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It ... solution that helps you to browse your personal files and folders in a more efficient way. One ...
Portable UltraSearch downloadUltraSearch is a small utility designed to search files on your drives drives and to provide the ... its speed by working directly on the Master File Table (MFT) of the NTFS partitions. You ...